Four of Wands

Element: Fire (🜂)

Planet: Venus (♀)

Zodiac Sign: Aries (♈)


Keywords: Celebration; harmony; homecoming; stability; joy

Events: Achievements being recognized; joyful reunions; family gatherings; marriage; successful completion of a goal

Personality: Warm; nurturing; enjoys social gatherings

Mental State: Happy; fulfilled; at peace

Advice: Enjoy your successes and cherish meaningful relationships

Card Imagery: A festive scene with garlands hanging between four wands, symbolizing celebration.


  • Four Wands – Stability and strong foundations
  • Garlands – Celebration and unity


Keywords: Instability; disharmony; canceled plans; tensions

Events: Family or social conflicts; plans falling apart; feeling unwelcome

Personality: Detached; feeling out of place

Mental State: Disappointed; unsettled

Advice: Work on restoring balance in relationships and focus on self-care

Card Imagery: The garlands fall to the ground, signaling an interrupted celebration.


  • Falling Garlands – Disruptions and unmet expectations

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