Two of Wands

Element: Fire (🜂)

Planet: Mars (♂)

Zodiac Sign: Aries (♈)


Keywords: Planning; strategy; foresight; decision-making; anticipation

Events: Transforming ideas into reality; beginning preparations; making plans; exploring new paths; contemplating decisions; learning and growing

Personality: Visionary; leader; wise; authoritative; intuitive; innovative

Mental State: Conflicted; curious; uncertain

Advice: This is a great opportunity to turn your vision into reality—once you make a decision and take action, success will follow; be mindful of overworking yourself

Card Imagery: A man stands within castle walls, holding a wand in one hand and a crystal ball in the other, gazing into the distance.


  • Lord – A person with some level of accomplishment
  • Medals – Representing past achievements and honors
  • Crystal Ball – Represents vision, control, and balance between logic and intuition
  • Wands – One wand in hand shows the desire to act, while the other remains behind, symbolizing hesitation or external limitations
  • Roses – White (wisdom) and red (passion), symbolizing the need for balance between intellect and emotions
  • Peacock – Symbol of high self-esteem and honor


Keywords: Obstacles; stagnation; hesitation; indecision; risk

Events: Blocked progress; difficulties in development; inability to control a situation; fear of making decisions; overthinking leading to inaction

Personality: Timid; overly analytical; negative; rigid thinker

Mental State: Hesitant; anxious; fearful

Advice: Adapt your plans as circumstances change instead of rigidly sticking to one approach; stepping out of your comfort zone will reveal better opportunities

Card Imagery: A. The crystal ball drops and shatters. B. The man sees disaster in the ball and clutches his head in fear.

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