Knight of Swords
Element: Air (🜁)
Element: Air (🜁)
Keywords: Haste; speed; impulsiveness; wild nature; impatience; sharp thinking; explosive power
Events: Rushing into a new environment; facing challenges head-on; going through a chaotic period; acting without considering consequences
Personality: Impulsive; critical; easily argumentative; quick to act; wild; impatient; bold; strong sense of justice; sharp-minded; prone to bursts of temper; ambitious
Mental State: Impulsive; restless; eager
Advice: Do not ignore potential real-world problems; try to pause before acting and plan carefully to avoid making impulsive mistakes
Card Imagery: The Knight of Swords raises his sword high as he rides a white horse at full speed across the open plains.
- Environment: The wind-blown trees and clouds signify a chaotic and fast-moving scene
- Horse’s Emblem: The fabric covering the horse is adorned with butterfly and bird motifs, both of which are symbols of the air element. Butterflies represent transformation, change, and rebirth, indicating that major life changes are occurring to shape a better self. Additionally, their fluttering motion conveys a sense of lightness and freedom. Birds symbolize an unbound spirit and suggest the knight’s unconventional thinking
- Knight’s Clothing: Features bird motifs, further reinforcing the theme of an unbound spirit and high-dimensional connectivity
- Spiked Boots: The Knight of Swords is the most aggressive of all the knights. The spikes on his boots represent his intense, critical, and impulsive nature, which can sometimes harm those around him
- Identity: The Knight of Swords is said to be inspired by Sir Galahad, one of the Knights of the Round Table from Arthurian legend
Keywords: Lack of planning; recklessness; thoughtless actions; conflict; violence; arrogance
Events: Overestimating one's abilities but failing to deliver; acting without foresight, leading to failure; reckless and harmful behavior; unexpected conflicts; communication difficulties; internal disputes
Personality: Careless; rash; overly critical; arrogant; impatient; aggressive; bossy; easily angered; reckless yet incompetent; prone to violent tendencies; chaotic thinker; easily influenced by emotions or external pressures
Mental State: Irritable; anxious; angry; struggling internally
Advice: Your harsh words and actions may hurt those close to you—reflect on your behavior before others become disappointed in you; venting emotions alone will not solve real problems—calm down and think strategically
Card Imagery: The Knight of Swords' expression changes—his anger is taken out on his horse, his battle companion.
- Whip: Borrowed from the Lenormand card system, representing violence, control, and restrictive actions used to enforce discipline