Six of Swords

Element: Air (🜁)

Planet: Mercury (☿)

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius (♒)


Keywords: Relocation; retreat; forced surrender; leaving a harmful environment

Events: Moving away from people; withdrawing socially; healing from past wounds; relocating for work; escaping a toxic situation; emotional recovery journey

Personality: Prefers solitude; avoids confrontation; internalizes emotions

Mental State: Sad; longing for peace

Advice: Pain won’t last forever; have faith in the future; consider seeking professional guidance

Card Imagery: A cloaked figure and a child sit in a boat, guided by a ferryman toward an unknown destination. The child lowers their head in sorrow, while the cloaked figure silently weeps.


  • Swords in the Boat – Represent the burdens and emotional weight being carried
  • Ripples in Water – Indicate emotional turbulence
  • Ferryman – A reference to Charon, the mythological guide for souls crossing the underworld
  • Moon – Symbolizes anxiety and uncertainty
  • Mountains – Represent obstacles and delays


Keywords: Increased difficulties; turbulence; obstacles; delays; destruction

Events: Emotional pain intensifies; struggling to heal; resistance to change causing greater distress; plans delayed; high-pressure environment

Personality: Stubborn; avoids change

Mental State: Stressed; overwhelmed; anxious

Advice: Shift your perspective; embrace alternative solutions

Card Imagery: A sea monster emerges from the water, dragging the boat down.


  • Sea Monster – Represents external threats and challenges
  • Damaged Boat – Personal struggles and internal challenges

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