Two of Swords

Element: Air (🜁)

Planet: Moon (☽)

Zodiac Sign: Libra (♎)


Keywords: Stalemate; indecision; avoidance; maintaining balance

Events: Being caught between two choices; avoiding confrontation; struggling to decide; maintaining neutrality

Personality: Peace-loving; avoids conflict; diplomatic

Mental State: Conflicted; tense

Advice: Overcome fear to make the right decision; stop being the peacemaker at your own expense

Card Imagery: A blindfolded figure sits by the sea, holding two crossed swords.


  • New Moon – A new phase or hidden knowledge
  • Water – Represents emotions and the subconscious
  • Hidden Rocks – Potential unseen dangers


Keywords: Difficult decisions; chaos; being forced to choose

Events: Letting go of avoidance; facing tough choices; breaking free from deadlock

Personality: Indecisive; prone to overthinking

Mental State: Anxious; overwhelmed

Advice: Accept the truth even if it's painful; weigh the pros and cons carefully

Card Imagery: The blindfold is removed, revealing turbulent seas.

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