Six of Coins

Element: Earth (🜃)

Planet: Moon (☽)

Zodiac Sign: Taurus (♉)


Keywords: Assistance; charity; material support; generosity; giving and receiving; sponsorship; sharing

Events: Offering or receiving financial help and support; charitable activities; overcoming hardship and gaining wealth; sharing resources

Personality: Trustworthy; kind; generous; supportive; benefactor

Mental State: Grateful; content; feeling blessed

Advice: Maintain kindness, as inner qualities influence the outcome of situations

Card Imagery: A wealthy man holds a balance scale, evenly distributing coins to the poor kneeling before him.


  • Giving Coins: Beyond its surface meaning of giving money, it also represents the transfer of experience, knowledge, or skills
  • Positions of the Figures: The rich man stands while the poor kneel, symbolizing inequality in ability and social class
  • Blessing Hand Gesture: The rich man’s hand gesture appears in both The Hierophant and Ten of Swords, symbolizing divine blessing


Keywords: Inequality; flaunting wealth; abuse of power; extortion; manipulation; bias

Events: The benefactor withdraws their help; biased treatment of different situations; unequal power dynamics; financial loss; help with ulterior motives; coercion; accusations

Personality: Biased; cruel; greedy; self-centered

Mental State: Dissatisfied; impatient

Advice: Avoid partnerships when trust is lacking; be cautious about generosity being misused; if financial motives overshadow true charity, the value of giving is weakened

Card Imagery: A. The wealthy man’s distribution appears fair but is actually unequal. B. The poor recipients, dissatisfied with the distribution, start to protest.


  • Rune Tiwaz: While this rune is associated with the war god Tyr, it represents justice and sacrifice, signifying intolerance toward injustice and the willingness to sacrifice resources for the greater good

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