Four of Coins
Element: Earth (🜃)
Planet: Sun (☉)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (♑)
Keywords: Material gain; materialism; stubbornness; financial security; vigilance
Events: Gaining material wealth; isolating oneself from the world due to an excessive focus on financial security; valuing material wealth above emotions; excessive frugality; unwillingness to share resources; protecting one's finances; safeguarding assets
Personality: Stubborn; possessive about finances; materialistic; narrow-minded; conservative; miserly; greedy
Mental State: Worried; guarded; anxious; feeling insecure
Advice: Establish an appropriate security system to protect finances, as nothing stays permanently stable—excessive material attachment can lead to greater losses; handle issues conservatively
Card Imagery: A crowned ruler sits with their back to a city, enclosed in a glass dome, clutching their coins tightly—one on their head, one in their arms, and two under their feet.
- Glass Dome: Protection, isolation, and defense; living in one's own beliefs, unwilling to change; fear of losing wealth
- City: Represents the external world
Keywords: Greed; possessiveness; financial instability; recklessness; profit-driven mindset
Events: A. Becoming even more materialistic, excessively greedy; extreme attachment to wealth due to a deep fear of poverty. B. Reckless spending; financial overextension; economic losses; poor money management.
Personality: Greedy; selfish; overly possessive; hostile; defensive; highly calculating; profit-driven
Mental State: Worried; even more anxious and guarded than in the upright position
Advice: Focus on long-term development instead of only prioritizing immediate resources; learn to value quality over price; leave toxic and hostile environments
Card Imagery: A. The ruler adds another layer of glass around themselves and claims all the ground’s pebbles as their own. B. The ruler remains inside the glass dome, but their coins have significantly decreased.