38. Lamb
Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Character Description Card
Astrological Symbol: ☿ Mercury | ♓ Pisces
Keywords: Following trends, going with the flow; blind faith, narrow-minded thinking, rigid beliefs; low self-esteem, emotional dependency, self-sacrifice; ego attachment, stubbornness, refusal to accept reality.
Card Behavior: Represents situations where one is misled or unwilling to let go.
House Meaning: Deception / Unwillingness to accept reality.
Actions: Follow the crowd; resist change; blindly trust.
- Following trends, going with the flow.
- Believing that unnecessary sacrifices and suffering are essential for success and happiness.
- Feeling falsely secure in an unstable situation; refusing to face the truth; assuming things will improve; blind optimism.
- Limited information; inability to break free from old thought patterns.
- Preferring to suffer rather than endure the pain of change; struggling with sunk cost fallacy.
- Surrendering one's fate to an unknown force, avoiding personal responsibility for change.
Career: Following trends; unfair work environments; victim of workplace bullying; social media influencers with many followers; public figures; celebrities; assembly-line workers.
Love & Relationships: Emotional dependency; being manipulated (PUA); savior complex; blind trust; unequal relationships; admiration for an idealized partner.
- Submissive.
- Avoids conclusions.
- Lacks independent thought.
- No personal opinions.
- Follows the crowd.
- Gullible.
- Victim mentality.
- Low self-esteem.
- Unconfident.
- Blindly worships others.
- Irrational devotion.
- Emotionally numb.
- Deceiving oneself.
- Unwilling to accept reality.
- Leader of followers.
Objects: Woolen fabrics; clothing; livestock; sheep pens; sacrificial offerings.
Health: Hair, hair follicles; Stockholm syndrome.
Spirituality: Lack of trust in intuition.
Advice: Find what truly suits you; cut your losses in time; distance yourself from harmful influences; break out of rigid thought patterns; maintain independent judgment.
- Blind trust.
Summary: The Lamb symbolizes blind conformity. Lambs are unaware of the dangers around them and follow the general direction of the herd. In some cases, it can also represent a leader of followers who has significant influence over a group.
Comparison: See 18. The Dog for related meanings.