37. Apple

Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Concept Card
Astrological Symbol: ♂ Mars | ♉ Taurus
Keywords: Food, energy; craving, desire, appetite, lust; animal instincts, physiological needs; temptation, attraction.
Card Behavior: Represents long-standing cravings or temptations.
House Meaning: A long-standing desire / Object of temptation.
Actions: Satisfy a craving; resist temptation.
  • Food; anything that replenishes energy.
  • Various human desires necessary for survival.
  • A strong need driven by deficiency.
  • Instincts; reflexes; physiological needs.
  • The object of temptation itself.
Career: Food industry; driven by desire; emotionally fueled creativity; fruit and vegetable industry; agricultural sector; farming.
Love & Relationships: Passionate relationships; intense attraction; driven by desire; longing; irresistible chemistry; staying together due to emotional dependency.
  • Greedy; never satisfied.
  • Intensely desirous.
  • Follows impulses.
  • Seductive.
  • Thirsts for knowledge.
  • Lacks self-control.
  • Indulgent.
  • Impatient.
Objects: Food; fruits; snacks; agricultural products; hotels; restaurants; refrigerators; dining tables; kitchens.
Health: Overindulgence; binge eating disorder; substance addiction; alcohol dependency; nicotine addiction.
Advice: Use reason to control instincts; practice moderation; think carefully about what you truly want.
  • A dangling carrot in front of a horse, keeping it moving forward. This represents an endless cycle of desire and temptation.
Summary: The Apple symbolizes food and desire. It represents all forms of nourishment and also a powerful urge to fulfill an unmet need—such as the craving for food when hungry or the thirst for knowledge in times of ignorance. Typically, these cravings are not driven by enjoyment or rational decisions, but rather by a sense of deprivation, which intensifies the longing to obtain something. This is similar to revenge spending, where an individual compensates for past scarcity by indulging impulsively when given the opportunity.

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