36. The Cross
Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Emotion Card
Astrological Symbol: ♃ Jupiter | ♏ Scorpio
Keywords: Suffering, hardship; trials, challenges; burden, oppression; guilt, regret; religion, faith, superstition; fate, destiny, tribulation.
Card Behavior: - When representing faith, the Cross is neutral. - The Cross amplifies the emotions of adjacent negative cards.
House Meaning: Struggles / Religious beliefs.
Actions: Endure hardships; seek inner strength.
Concepts: a. Suffering, pain, burden, oppression. b. Trials, tests, challenges; life lessons. c. A difficult period ahead; misfortune; adversity; setbacks. d. Faith; religious connections. e. Predestined hardships; divine trials.
Career: Difficult working conditions; overwhelming obstacles; struggles at work; heavy burdens; work at a relief organization (e.g., Red Cross); financial difficulties; delayed payments; poor investments; religious professionals; missionaries.
Love & Relationships: Painful relationships; unhappy or oppressive connections; longing for the past; feeling invisible; karmic relationships; deep regrets.
People: Depressed; exhausted; suffering; pessimist; chronic complainer; currently in distress; deeply faithful; interested in mysticism; strongly opinionated about personal beliefs; prone to hardship.
Objects: Churches; pilgrimage sites; religious buildings; wooden structures; cross-shaped objects; instruments of suffering.
Health: Shoulder fatigue; mental or emotional distress.
Spirituality: Transcendence; higher levels of spiritual growth.
Advice: Do not dwell on regret; seek greater strength to overcome difficulties; reflect on your burdens and determine what to release and what to accept.
Imagery: - Despair, sadness, suffering.
Symbolism: - Yod: A divine test.
Summary: The Cross symbolizes trials and faith. It is a card of destiny, indicating that your current struggles are not due to mistakes but are part of a divine trial arranged by fate. On another level, the Cross can also indicate a disconnect between ideals and reality, leading to suffering and hardship. Comparison: - The Coffin and the Cross both represent suffering, but while the Coffin signifies pain from an ending, the Cross refers to ongoing hardships that must be endured.