25. Ring
Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Concept Card
Astrological Symbol: ☿ Mercury | ♑ Capricorn
Keywords: Commitment, responsibility, agreements, contracts; Marriage, business partnerships, groups, circles; Cycles, continuity; Cause and effect, laws of nature; Honor, trustworthiness.
House Meaning: Recurring events / Marriage / Contracts / Relationships.
Concepts: a. Binding commitments such as contracts, agreements, and vows. b. Relationships formed through shared interests or responsibilities, such as marriage, business partnerships, and exclusive circles. c. Duty and responsibility. d. Repetition and continuity. e. Cause and effect, karmic cycles. f. Habitual and routine thoughts. g. Completion; Full circle.
Career: Long-term cooperation; Signing contracts; Reaching agreements; Harmonious work environment; Repetitive schedules; Monotonous work; Exclusive organizations; Legal obligations; Team unity.
Love & Relationships: Deep commitments beyond daily interactions; Strengthening bonds; Love evolving into long-term companionship.
People: Reliable individuals; Responsible personalities; Strong team players.
Objects: Valuable items; Circular objects; Capitals; Central locations; Rings; Circular shapes; Rubber bands; CDs; Wheels; Jewelry; Handcuffs; Items bound together.
Health: Regular check-ups; Rehabilitation; Metabolism; Internal circulatory system.
Spirituality: Law of karma; Karmic cycles; Time loops; Reincarnation.
Advice: Increase reliability; Be more honest; Keep your promises and take responsibility for your actions.
Imagery: Handshake: Represents cooperation, successful negotiations, and agreements.
Summary: The Ring symbolizes commitment and responsibility. It represents agreements, promises, and intimate connections between two parties. The Ring card often signifies marriage, engagements, business partnerships, or other strong bonds. Additionally, the circular shape of a ring represents completion and cycles, symbolizing cause and effect, recurring patterns, and karmic loops.