10. Scythe
Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Action Card, Time Card
Astrological Symbol: ☿ Mercury | ♈ Aries
Keywords: Sudden event, unexpected, shocking; Rapid, fast; Cutting, separation, slicing, severing; Interruption, suspension; Danger, risk, threat, accident.
Card Behavior: The Scythe transfers its effect to adjacent cards.
Direction: - The card near the blade tip (right side) will be affected by severance, interruption, danger, and sharpness-related influences. - The card opposite the blade tip (left side) carries meanings of suddenness and rapid events rather than destruction.
Actions: Cut, separate, trim, slice, sever.
Time: Sudden occurrence; Extremely fast timing.
House Meaning: Danger / Unexpected Events / Surgery.
Concepts: a. Unexpected incidents—shocking events with unpredictable outcomes. b. Rapid action—things happening very quickly. c. Dividing something into parts—reduction, trimming. d. Abrupt pauses or forced interruptions. e. Any form of danger, accidents, disasters, or hidden risks.
Career: Suspension from work; Salary cuts; Failed deals; Surgeons; Barbers; Gardeners; Chefs; Butchers; Criminals; Robbers; Workplace injuries; Financial crisis.
Love & Relationships: Blunt and direct communication; Relationship breakdown; Breakups; Separation; Divorce; Emotional crisis; Toxic relationships.
People: Decisive individuals; Agile and quick-reacting people; Ruthless or cruel personalities; Aggressive or combative people; Those with scars.
Objects: Sharp objects; Weapons; Knives; Scissors; Rakes; Syringes; Needles; Damaged or broken items; Cracks; Gaps.
Health: Nails; Teeth; Migraines; Scars; Fractures; Cuts; Surgery; Fear of sharp objects.
Spirituality: Removing negative energy; Cutting ties with distractions; Letting go.
Advice: Be decisive—stop hesitating. Remove unnecessary distractions from your life. Stay alert to dangers around you.
Imagery: Lightning Bolt – Represents a sudden and shocking event.
Summary: The Scythe symbolizes speed and danger. It represents an unexpected, sudden event, often with negative consequences. However, when the blade points toward a negative card, it can indicate removing a bad situation.
Comparison: - Coffin vs. Scythe: Both indicate endings, but: - Coffin represents a final, absolute ending. - Scythe represents a cut that might not be permanent, leaving room for continuation.