09. Bouquet
Card Influence: + | | -
Category: Emotion Card, Action Card
Astrological Symbol: ♀ Venus | ♌ Leo
Keywords: Beauty, joy, happiness; Praise, appreciation, gratitude; Care, kindness, flattery; Surprise, gifts, presents, rewards; Aesthetics, craftsmanship, design.
Card Behavior: The Bouquet eliminates negative emotions from adjacent cards.
Emotion: Happiness; Joy; Gratitude; Relief; Surprise.
Actions: Care; Kindness; Flatter; Nurture.
House Meaning: Gifts / Expressions of Gratitude.
Concepts: a. The beauty in all aspects of life; Things that bring joy. b. Praise; Appreciation; Gratitude; Acknowledgment from others. c. Seeking validation; Wanting to be noticed for strengths while hiding flaws. d. A gift, surprise, or token of appreciation. e. The study and craftsmanship of aesthetics, arts, and design.
Career: Comfortable and enjoyable work environment; Lighthearted atmosphere; Workplace benefits; Artists; Handcrafting; Gardening; Hairstylists; Designers.
Love & Relationships: Beautiful and romantic love; Ideal partners; Harmonious relationships; Mutual admiration; Nurturing one another; Thoughtfulness; Flattery; One-sided affection; Creating surprises; Gift-giving.
People: Beautiful individuals; Perfectionists; Friendly and approachable; Soulmates; Close friends; People-pleasers; Artistically talented; Fashionable.
Objects: Bouquets; Flower beds; Gifts; Freebies; Red envelopes; Coupons; Art supplies; Perfumes; Cosmetics; Decorations; Handicrafts; Salons; Eye-catching locations.
Health: Pollen allergies; Allergic rhinitis.
Spirituality: Mandala painting; Aura colors.
Advice: Pay attention to the beauty around you; Express more gratitude and praise toward others. Do more acts of kindness. Treat yourself well—only by loving yourself can you better love others. Create things that make the world more beautiful.
Imagery: Artwork; Handicrafts.
Summary: The Bouquet symbolizes beauty and kindness. It represents anything that brings joy, such as art, craftsmanship, gifts, and rewards. It also includes acts of kindness, such as praise, appreciation, and thoughtful gestures.
Comparison: The Wardrobe and Bouquet both symbolize seeking validation, but: - Bouquet achieves recognition through flattery and pleasing others. - Wardrobe seeks recognition by showing off personal achievements.