Guidebook for The Valley of the Lambs Tarot

Guidebook for The Valley of the Lambs Tarot


The Fool lamb is dressed in colorful clothes, wearing a laurel crown symbolizing success. In his left hand, he holds a rose representing purity, and in his right hand, he lightly grips a staff with a bundle of experiences tied to it. This is not an ordinary staff; it is a scepter symbolizing strength. The lamb is so joyful and proud, looking towards the unknown journey ahead, striding forward without caring about the cliff before him.

Upright Meaning

The Fool represents a newborn lamb, a fearless young lamb. In divination, the Fool can also represent a newborn baby. The lamb holds the scepter so casually, seemingly unaware of its magical power. The bundle of experiences shows that the lamb is not entirely foolish but not controlled by experiences. The laurel crown on his head represents the possibility of success. The upright Fool lamb has boundless potential, numbered 0, symbolizing the lamb embarking on a new journey, which might be aimless and unplanned. The cliff represents an unknown environment, also indicating moving, transferring schools, or bold actions. He views things too simply, which cannot be judged as good or bad but shows boundless potential.

KEYWORDS: Beginning, adventure, boldness, innocence, foolishness, individuality, potential, wandering, travel

Reversed Meaning

The reversed Fool lamb falls headfirst, becoming hesitant and truly foolish. This state can be excessive or deficient. If excessive, innocence turns into stupidity, boldness into recklessness, individuality into lawlessness, representing carelessness and rashness. If deficient, it represents losing inner instincts, being overly cautious and timid, and losing courage. The reversed Fool lamb tends to make unwise decisions, needing to remain calm and act rationally.

KEYWORDS: Carelessness, hesitation, chaos, stupidity, recklessness, rashness, madness, timidity


The Magician lamb raises his scepter with his left hand towards the sky, and his right index finger points to the ground, symbolizing the bridge between heaven and earth. On the table before him are a scepter, a cup, a sword, and a pentacle. Dressed in a red robe symbolizing passion, with a white inner shirt representing purity, and a small snake symbolizing wisdom at his waist. The flowers in front also symbolize passion and wisdom, with a bright yellow background hinting at the possibility of success.

Upright Meaning

The Magician lamb represents intellect and communication, a very active and energetic card with masculine power. He has clear thoughts and is articulate, a confident and assured lamb. He not only has dreams and creativity but also ample skills, feeling ready and prepared. It means now is the right time for the lamb to take enough initiative to unleash his potential, with a high chance of success.

KEYWORDS: Creativity, communication, interaction, skills, readiness, new plans, initiative

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Magician lamb's tools fall from the table, affecting the cup, sword, career, and academics. Emotions and life are not favorable, and the scepter guiding energy misleads, causing harm instead of benefit. The reversed Magician lamb may involve deception and fraud. The flowers won't grow downward, showing a loss of confidence and ability, and a lack of communication skills. This indicates losing the right motivation, plans, passion, and practical attitude, with goals becoming unrealistic.

KEYWORDS: Weak will, fantasy, confusion, poor communication, hypocrisy, excessive effort, passivity


The High Priestess lamb represents pure feminine power, dressed in a pure white robe and a blue outer robe symbolizing the Virgin Mary, holding a scroll representing wisdom. The black pillar on the left symbolizes imagination and intuition, and the white pillar on the right symbolizes pragmatism and strength. She sits between them, coordinating their powers, symbolizing the balance of yin and yang, and unity with the divine.

Upright Meaning

The High Priestess lamb is reserved and introspective, good at turning inward and listening to intuition. She is highly intuitive but rarely takes action. Her passive nature makes her aloof and unsmiling. The moon also signifies mystery or secrets, and the High Priestess lamb reminds us to go with the flow, not force changes in the external world but listen to our inner voice, trusting our intuition, letting the environment change with our minds.

KEYWORDS: Stillness, passivity, intuition, wisdom, mystery, unconscious, potential

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the High Priestess lamb's scroll falls, showing a superficial attitude towards knowledge, pretending to understand. She becomes restless, losing her original calm and stability, becoming active and social but lacking inner wisdom. This represents neglecting one's inner voice.

KEYWORDS: Stubbornness, conservatism, superficiality, inconsistency, tension, dullness, cold war


Under the bright sky, the Empress lamb holds a wool scepter, wearing a pearl necklace and a luxurious crown, sitting comfortably on a multi-layered cushion throne. The red pillow symbolizes passion, and the mature wheat field before her represents fertility and abundance. Everything around the Empress lamb is full of vitality.

Upright Meaning

The Empress lamb is the archetype of the mother, corresponding to Venus, symbolizing love and beauty. She is practical and passionate, expressing love and care boldly, enjoying sensory pleasures, and indulging in life and dressing up. In marriage, she represents stability and harmony in family life. In work, she signifies abundant harvests or helpful people. In relationships, she might indicate marriage or a joyful relationship, or the female taking the initiative. The Empress may also represent pregnancy.

KEYWORDS: Harvest, production, creation, nature, motherly love, beauty, joy, initiative, passion

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Empress lamb's posture becomes lazy, and the throne becomes a burden, lacking action, delaying many matters, focusing only on appearance. She no longer expresses emotions freely, denies her feelings and desires, or refuses to give love, becoming a negligent mother. However, the reversed Empress can gain the calmness lacking in the upright position, dealing with problems rationally, especially emotional issues. It might indicate family chaos, stagnant plans, or difficult pregnancies.

KEYWORDS: Hesitation, inaction, laziness, selfishness, delay, indecision, passivity, lack of interest


The noble Emperor lamb wears a crown and red robe, sitting confidently in the central throne, wearing armor symbolizing strict discipline, ready for battle at any time. He holds a globe in his left hand and a royal scepter in his right. The throne is decorated with ram horns, corresponding to Aries, symbolizing courage, positivity, ambition, and confidence.

Upright Meaning

The Emperor lamb represents authority, self-centeredness, and strong action. He is a figure that makes other lambs submit, rational and not good at expressing emotions. He represents the "father figure" broadly, any authoritative, disciplined, but emotionally distant leader or authority figure. He symbolizes societal laws, structures, and stability. He implies success through self-discipline and practical efforts, indicating a stable and orderly period in life. In good times, the Emperor provides help; in bad times, he might control the lamb, restricting freedom.

KEYWORDS: Authority, order, rule, confidence, stability, power, will, rationality, father

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the crown falls, the heavy throne and armor become burdens, lacking action, and stability, often taking ineffective measures. He cannot hold the globe steadily, representing a loss of power, lack of willpower, and self-centeredness, lacking confidence in long-term goals. Reversed, he becomes self-indulgent, immature, lacking leadership, action, weak, lazy, irresponsible, lacking confidence, dependent, indecisive. Overuse of Emperor traits may turn into tyranny, leading to arbitrariness, abuse of power, cruelty, and strong possessiveness or control.

KEYWORDS: Timidity, evasion, temper, immaturity, indecision, slow action, lack of responsibility, poor judgment, cold war


The Hierophant lamb wears a large robe, preaching, with his right hand pointing to the sky, symbolizing blessings and channeling heavenly energy. His left hand holds a triple cross scepter, symbolizing holiness and power. The white item hanging by his ear represents the inner voice. The cross symbols on the Hierophant lamb represent the Holy Father, Son, and Spirit, or the soul, mind, and body.

Upright Meaning

The Hierophant lamb, like the Emperor lamb, represents the "father figure," but the Emperor focuses on material provision, while the Hierophant emphasizes spiritual growth and moral education. He listens to the inner voice, suggesting that following external doctrines alone won't truly convey the message. The Hierophant lamb might appear in ceremonies, often related to teaching. When the Hierophant lamb appears, exam results will likely be favorable. In relationships, it usually indicates traditional love. Overall, he is a religious, traditional lamb, providing a path to spirituality, preventing common lambs from becoming lost sheep.

KEYWORDS: Religion, tradition, assistance, ceremony, education, morality, kindness, compliance, societal norms

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Hierophant lamb's finger no longer points to the sky, trying to break traditional norms. This is not the time to follow conventions but to have innovative ideas, daring to be different and unique. He appears different, possibly with innovative ideas or overly conservative, stubborn, and arbitrary. It's not suitable to take advice or help rashly, possibly receiving wrong advice. In love, it shows helping in vain.

KEYWORDS: Unorthodox, different, isolated, bold, open-minded, innovative, non-mainstream, rebellious, unique


In the sunlit, fertile Eden, Adam and Eve lambs stand naked before each other, representing openness. Above them, an angel represents communication, needing mutual gazing to be seen. On the left, the Tree of Knowledge with a snake symbolizes wisdom and desire. On the right, the Tree of Life symbolizes the fire of desire. Adam and Eve's youthful bodies symbolize pre-material purity, innocence, and love.

Upright Meaning

The Lovers lamb represents choosing between the current environment and future paths, symbolizing decision-making. They appear when facing major choices, requiring caution, as decisions have significant impacts. Adam symbolizes masculinity and rationality, Eve femininity and sensibility, representing not just gender union but partnerships and relationships. In love, it shows strong attraction. In work, it emphasizes communication and cooperation. Ideally, it represents perfect, harmonious, trusting relationships.

KEYWORDS: Choice, decision, sex, love, relationships, union, desire, temptation, alliance

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Lovers indicate relationship issues, failures in marriage or love, separation, partnership failures, or triangular relationships. Failures may result from jealousy or different goals. It also signifies wrong choices or decisions.

KEYWORDS: Hesitation, failure, breakup, coldness, alienation, indecision, illusion, stagnation, barriers


The Chariot lamb rides a majestic chariot, wearing a crown and laurel wreath, holding a scepter symbolizing power. Dressed in armor, a city with high walls stands behind him, indicating a material journey towards spiritual growth. The chariot's wheels represent life's changes, like the Wheel of Fortune, controlled by will and energy. He guards outside the city walls, as a protector and defender, not an invader, striving to do his best.

Upright Meaning

The Chariot lamb symbolizes strong willpower. He controls the chariot with will, having unwavering confidence and the ability to manage situations. The Chariot lamb also represents victory, with a strong desire to win and focus on goals. Self-discipline, self-requirement, and emotional control are his strengths, leading to success. The Chariot lamb signifies challenges, potential competitors in love, and emotional control, with the message "don't give up." The chariot represents victory!

KEYWORDS: Willpower, discipline, victory, journey, competition

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the chariot loses direction, leading to failure, over-ambition, recklessness, or too many things causing bad outcomes. In love, it might indicate a triangular relationship, delayed or canceled travel, or accidents. It represents rising fear, lack of courage, or ability, failing to achieve goals, with increasing frustration.

KEYWORDS: Fear, cowardice, opposition, contradiction, irrationality


The Strength lamb gently closes the lion's mouth. The infinity symbol above her head represents endless strength. Her determined attitude comes from long-term confidence, without fear. The lion, slightly inclined, shows total submission, exchanging glances with the lamb, blending their strengths.

Upright Meaning

Strength continues the Chariot's theme, handling it with "soft overcoming hard." The Strength lamb shows extraordinary courage, daring to approach the lion. She represents confidence in facing life, calm and firm, patient and determined. She symbolizes overcoming inner beast instincts, calming anxiety, anger, impulse, and unrest. Believing in success, her confidence exudes, taming the lion. She represents strength and courage.

KEYWORDS: Will, discipline, victory, journey, competition

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the lion dominates, with passion overwhelming thoughts, base desires defeating pure motives. Courage diminishes, replaced by fear or doubt. Inner strength weakens, losing firm will and composure. This may stem from wanting to control the environment and fears, risking disorder and loss of control.

KEYWORDS: Weakness, hesitation, timidity, oppression, grievance


A cloaked Hermit lamb stands on a mountaintop, seeing life's subtleties. He raises a lantern, the light of truth, with a six-pointed star inside, Solomon's seal, emitting subconscious light. The Hermit lamb's staff guides on the path of enlightenment.

Upright Meaning

The Hermit is the grown Fool lamb, cautious, experienced, and a perfectionist. The Hermit lamb represents solitude. Seeking wisdom and spiritual growth, he becomes lonelier, distancing from the flock for introspection. Solitude allows self-reflection and finding answers. After introspection, he reaches wisdom's peak, guiding others. The Hermit also suggests seeking advice from wise elders.

KEYWORDS: Caution, solitude, contemplation, introspection, guidance, reflection

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Hermit loses caution, becoming careless, lacking true seclusion, becoming a superficial hermit. Excessive solitude may lead to antisocial tendencies, rejecting advice. While solitude has benefits, overdoing it risks discord. The Hermit leaves the flock temporarily but values relationships, guiding others after seeking answers. Returning to the upright Strength card, he needs courage to face fears.

KEYWORDS: Dullness, retreat, worry, anxiety, aging mindset


A wheel with three circles: the innermost represents creativity, with unlimited potential, symbol-free; the middle, forming power, with four symbols (Mercury, Sulfur, Water, Salt), linked to the elements (air, fire, water, earth), forming the material world, representing superconsciousness, self-consciousness, subconsciousness, and decomposition; the outermost, the material world, with "TARO" letters forming words "Tora" (Law), "Ator" (Hathor Goddess), "Rota" (Wheel), "Orat" (Speak), forming the sentence "The Wheel of Tarot speaks Hathor's law," and four Hebrew letters representing God's oldest name, indicating supreme will.

Upright Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes fate's unpredictability. It shows life's changes resulting from previous decisions and actions, and future paths depend on current decisions and actions. The wheel constantly turns, suggesting current fortunes may be surprising in the long run. Accept change and find the best response.

KEYWORDS: Fate, change, opportunity, progress, luck

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the wheel's direction becomes strange and unpredictable, with uncoordinated forces. The wheel seems to turn downwards, turning luck into misfortune. It suggests indecision, missed opportunities, failure, retribution, and stagnation, advising against speculative ventures like gambling. However, declining fortune is temporary; long-term, it may bring benefits, urging to accept fate and believe in a higher purpose.

KEYWORDS: Decline, change, unexpected, bad luck, black swan event


Justice lamb sits on a stone bench, holding a sword upright, symbolizing fairness, and scales, representing evaluation and decision-making, pursuing balance. The curtain behind symbolizes hidden wisdom, and the pillars represent positive and negative forces.

Upright Meaning

Justice lamb corresponds to Libra and Athena, the goddess of wisdom. In decision-making, she uses rational thinking and careful analysis, ensuring fairness. If misunderstood, Justice card appearance represents reclaiming justice, receiving apologies or compensation. She may indicate pursuing life and spiritual balance, a rational card accepting past and bearing responsibility. Justice means doing the right thing. Representing individuals, it can be anyone involved in legal matters, decision-making, or bringing justice.

KEYWORDS: Decision, justice, balance, law, fairness, judgment

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it shows avoiding decisions, responsibilities, or receiving unfair treatment, indicating injustice. If facing legal issues, the situation may be unfavorable, needing expert advice. Sometimes it represents lack of principles, losing stance, and lacking justice. If encountering unfair or unpleasant things, it suggests examining previous actions and learning from them.

KEYWORDS: Bias, selfishness, harshness, injustice, unfairness, avoiding responsibility


The Hanged Man lamb hangs on a tree, calm and composed, hands behind his back, emitting a golden halo, indicating wisdom and foresight, transforming lower desires into higher soul levels.

Upright Meaning

The Hanged Man signifies sacrifice, voluntary, not forced. His serene expression and wisdom halo show spiritual understanding beyond ordinary lambs. He doesn't struggle, understanding valuable gains from sacrifice. Associated with the water element and Neptune, symbolizing sacrifice and ideals. Hanging still, it represents waiting, delay, suspension. The lamb might be suffering or at a bottleneck, needing to stay calm and do what he wants.

KEYWORDS: Sacrifice, waiting, compliance, endurance, perspective shift, retreat to advance, empathy

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it shows struggle, lacking Hanged Man's wisdom, fighting fate. It indicates unfruitful sacrifice, fighting destiny. Not seeing the world upside down, losing unique wisdom. It might indicate societal constraints, fearing to pursue true desires. Reversed Hanged Man suggests struggle is futile, believing in returns after sacrifice, needing a perspective shift, waiting for life's gifts.

KEYWORDS: Struggle, entanglement, constraints, stubbornness, helplessness


The Death lamb rides a large horse, symbolizing immense power. Various lambs symbolize escaping death is impossible for anyone. Some resist and get trampled, others fear and kneel, some curious about death. He represents life's ultimate goal, with death not being the end.

Upright Meaning

People fear Death lamb, numbered 13, an unlucky number in the West. Ending is natural but difficult for most. The Death lamb rides a horse, with dark purple clouds, erasing past events, bringing rebirth. Ending signifies transformation. The only constant is change, sudden change being hard to accept. Endings are inevitable, but this lesson is crucial for all lambs.

KEYWORDS: End, transformation, rebirth, authority, termination

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Death lamb indicates refusal to accept endings, stubbornness, fearing change, clinging to the past. It suggests halted changes, forming a stalemate. Radical individuals might take extreme actions to resist change. It advises pausing to think about fears, as stubbornness worsens endings, hindering new life.

KEYWORDS: Fear, rebirth, stubbornness, resistance, escape


Temperance lamb, with beautiful wings, exudes harmonious light. Her right foot steps into a pond, symbolizing subconsciousness, left foot on the shore, symbolizing consciousness, representing their fusion. The silver cup symbolizes the moon, and the gold cup symbolizes the sun, mixing water to symbolize yin-yang harmony. The angel represents harmony after overcoming Death's fear, bringing peace.

Upright Meaning

Temperance means "harmony," mixing water symbolizing yin-yang harmony, communication, and teaching. Different energies can communicate smoothly, symbolizing successful cross-cultural relationships, business, and international cooperation. Corresponding to Sagittarius, loving travel, with shores representing continents and water symbolizing oceans, it also signifies travel, especially international. Temperance relates to communication and coordination, with strong adaptability.

KEYWORDS: Moderation, harmony, communication, teaching, travel, coordination

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the angel lamb falls, water flow disrupted, losing balance, order, and control. The sense of coordination disappears, leading to extremes. Poor communication or adaptation occurs. Emotional water above symbolizes lost rationality. The lamb might overdo something, causing harm, like excessive exercise or drinking.

KEYWORDS: Confusion, disorder, indulgence, excess


The Devil lamb occupies the center, symbolizing animal instincts. The red background is cursed. Two naked lambs below show animal instincts, their chains breakable, but they don't escape, possibly due to corruption. They have vitality and enthusiasm but focus energy narrowly.

Upright Meaning

The Devil lamb corresponds to Capricorn and Pan, representing desire and materialism. Spiritual pursuits are ignored, and material desires become the focus, becoming blind. He might represent success in fame and power or bondage in loveless relationships. Chasing materialism leads to bondage. Being chained is one thing, refusing to break free is hopeless. Excessive material pursuit may turn into addiction. Letting go might bring freedom.

KEYWORDS: Desire, bondage, indulgence, temptation, lust, materialism

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, chains fall, symbolizing breaking free from material bondage, open-mindedness, gaining freedom, showing positive meaning, but less favorable for fame and fortune. It indicates breaking free from desire and the Devil. Alternatively, it may be more evil and corrupt, using improper means or even crime for desires.

KEYWORDS: Freedom, breaking free, awakening, rationality, breaking limits


A tower struck by lightning burns, with two lambs falling, the crown-like top symbolizing material wealth and achievements, destroyed by the lightning. The scene is chaotic, representing oppression, darkness, and failure.

Upright Meaning

The Tower symbolizes disasters, unemployment, accidents, sudden changes, often uncontrollable by the lamb. The impact may deeply affect beliefs and security. Facing this card, some focus on material collapse, others on rational and spiritual downfall, symbolizing life's ups and downs. Major destruction leads to major construction. Though painful, short-term pain is worth a bright future. Listen to the message behind events.

KEYWORDS: Disaster, destruction, revelation, collapse, sudden change

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Tower still collapses but more thoroughly, yet the lamb stands, surviving. It can mean prevention, rescue, recovery, or escaping disaster, with less severe harm. Changes are still evident but less intense, possibly controlling events, suppressing them, trapping oneself in the tower.

KEYWORDS: Imprisonment, suppression, confinement, struggle, resistance, clinging


The Star goddess stands before a clear pond, with starry skies, vast grasslands, and mountains behind, serene and beautiful. The oasis represents a beautiful vision, hope, fulfillment, and healing.

Upright Meaning

The Star represents confidence in life's possibilities, symbolizing hope, harmony, healing, calm, and peace, related to meditation. It signifies inner freedom, listening to the world's and inner needs. The Star indicates confidence, optimism, and freedom. Even in storms, maintain hope.

KEYWORDS: Peace, harmony, confidence, hope, vision

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Star's light dims, hope becomes unreachable, and unrealistic fantasies. It represents unfulfilled wishes, disappointment, pessimism, lost hope. The lamb may lose inner confidence, mistrusting others, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities. The remedy is a restful holiday.

KEYWORDS: Emptiness, disappointment, loneliness, weakness, illusion


The Moon card's night is eerie, combining new and full moons, representing change. The Moon goddess's face shows compassion. Moonlight and dew connect to the ground. Twin towers symbolize death and the unknown. Dogs and wolves, fearful, howl at the moon, representing irrational emotions. A lobster in the water shows the fear of facing the unknown.

Upright Meaning

The Moon goddess indicates anxiety, confusion, and fear, facing the unknown or unfamiliar situations. It can represent hidden secrets, dangers, or enemies, misunderstandings, or slander. In relationships, it shows fear, lack of confidence, and emotional instability. The Moon advises facing fears, which may hinder actions or achievements. Pay attention to subconscious thoughts.

KEYWORDS: Illusion, anxiety, fear, mystery, danger, hidden enemies

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the lamb denies subconscious events, closing the subconscious communication channel. Hidden things gradually surface, reducing danger, indicating self-deception or deceiving others.

KEYWORDS: Error, revelation, deception, suppression, exposure


The Sun card shows golden sunlight, a smiling child lamb riding a horse, with a red flag symbolizing the Sun's traits, passion, vitality, and joy. Sunflowers represent light and growth, facing the child, full of energy, naked, symbolizing purity, nature, and openness.

Upright Meaning

The Sun lamb, corresponding to Apollo, the Sun God, embodies positive energy, warmth, and light. The Sun signifies joy, inner peace, and self-expression. Everything is favorable, bringing great happiness. It suggests success, health, love, marriage, academic achievements, career prosperity, and successful groups.

KEYWORDS: Success, freedom, joy, group, intense, passion

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Sun sets, with temporary clouds. Matters decline, past the peak, but still positive, indicating small successes, delayed success, or dissatisfaction with achievements. It shows some fears to overcome, needing support, fearing insufficient opportunities or love. It may symbolize competition in creativity.

KEYWORDS: Cloudy, delay, loneliness, temporary cancellation, overdoing


The angel lamb Gabriel blows a horn from above, awakening and resurrecting lambs from their graves, looking upward spiritually, returning to the divine home. Tombstones symbolize old material patterns in a wintry landscape.

Upright Meaning

Judgment represents a call to action, with the angel summoning lambs. The call may be external or internal, a job, idea, desire, or awakening. It signifies rebirth opportunities, crucial decisions, and karma. It indicates a chance to start anew, erasing past actions and writing a new chapter.

KEYWORDS: Call, decision, liberation, rebirth, judgment, karma

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it shows resistance to change, doubting or denying the call, making unwise decisions due to shortsightedness. It may indicate suffering consequences of past actions, separation, forced endings, losing cases, failing exams, or health issues, needing time to adjust. In daily life, it suggests missing important messages or being harassed by calls or letters. Reversed Judgment is a bad sign for health, legal matters, or exams, needing more preparation.

KEYWORDS: Indulgence, delay, indecision, shortsightedness, resisting change


The World card's wreath surrounds a dancing goddess lamb in the center, with divine beasts in the clouds. She symbolizes perfect physical and mental states, wrapped in a sacred purple scarf, symbolizing divinity. The wreath represents the goddess's crown and truth's manifestation. The four elements gather, protecting each other, symbolizing perfect meanings for any matter.

Upright Meaning

The World signifies lasting success, with the soul aligned with the world's or universe's soul, making everything possible. Spiritually, it combines masculine and feminine aspects or human and resource unity. It may represent moving or traveling. The World represents natural completion, ultimate victory, and happy endings. It indicates successful careers, completed studies, achieved goals, and completed relationships, whether marriage or amicable separation.

KEYWORDS: Completion, wholeness, success, achievement, travel


Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the degree of success weakens, missing final steps or encountering unresolved issues. Perfect starts show flaws, with minor setbacks. The lamb might resist new stages, preferring old environments. Moving, traveling, or changing jobs might be resisted or delayed. Natural phase endings should lead to new stages for self-growth.

KEYWORDS: Dissatisfaction, imperfection, flaws, "the grass is always greener" syndrome


The cup in the image is the one used by Jesus during the Last Supper. The white dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit in Catholicism, descending as if entering the cup, representing the spirit of Jesus entering the material world. The five streams of water flowing from the cup symbolize the five senses of humanity. Two lambs gently hold the cup, as love can only be nurtured with care.

Upright Meaning

The Ace of Cups often signifies the beginning of new emotions, marking the best start for relationships. It could represent a new romance, new friendship, or any form of interpersonal relationship. It might also indicate a time of joy and contentment, overflowing with love and happiness at the beginning of an emotional phase. The card encourages generosity and understanding the blessings of giving and receiving. In some cases, it may signify the awakening of intuition, a growing interest in mystical matters, or heightened sensitivity. Dreams or intuitions might bring valuable messages. The Ace of Cups symbolizes spiritual abundance and may mark the beginning of spiritual growth.

KEYWORDS: New emotions, love, joy, feelings, intuition

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the water spills from the cup, leaving it empty, often representing emotional setbacks. The person might experience loss, separation, disappointment, or dissatisfaction in their relationships. They might feel rejected, betrayed, or lonely, leading to depression and sadness. The new emotions might not start as expected, and relationships may become insincere or unstable. This situation often brings a strong sense of insecurity. Sometimes, the problem lies in the person's own mindset, being unwilling to give, thus receiving no return. In the reversed image, the lamb’s hand, turned downwards, becomes the giver, showing that being able to give is also a blessing.

KEYWORDS: Loss, disappointment, dissatisfaction, emptiness, thirst


A man and a woman face each other, toasting with their cups. The lion head above symbolizes communication, while the wings represent the Holy Spirit, indicating a deep spiritual connection filled with emotional and sexual energy. He leans slightly forward, stepping with his left foot and reaching out with his right hand. The clear sky and harmonious background suggest that this union will be stable.

Upright Meaning

The Two of Cups is often seen as a minor version of the Lovers card. Both cards strongly relate to love, but the Two of Cups focuses on the initial passionate stage of romance. It represents mutual respect and an equal, loving relationship. This card can signify friendship or any interpersonal relationship characterized by harmony, equality, good communication, cooperation, and mutual respect. Each person contributes something, and their efforts are equally rewarded.

KEYWORDS: Romance, friendship, cooperation, union, equality

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the water flows downward from the cups, dousing the wings of the lion, symbolizing a conflict between fire and water. It indicates problems in the union, such as distrust, unequal efforts, conflicts, or even separation. The personal differences in the partnership might drain your energy. It suggests learning to unite different people, things, and situations while maintaining equality to establish harmonious relationships. This card may also describe exhaustion from an unequal or imbalanced friendship or relationship.

KEYWORDS: Conflict, delay, tension, power struggle, inequality


Three women stand close together in a circle, raising their cups in celebration. Each woman wears a colorful robe and has different colored hair, representing their individuality, yet they respect each other equally within this group. The surrounding abundance signifies that their efforts have yielded results or that their work has been rewarded.

Upright Meaning

The Three of Cups signifies joy, sharing, or celebration. It represents a time of celebration among like-minded lambs, possibly indicating a major feast. In business matters, it may describe a group of equally matched lambs working together. The card often represents groups connected by emotions, such as families, school clubs, or close friends. It also frequently represents celebratory occasions like parties, dinners, weddings, and victory banquets. The abundance suggests positive outcomes regardless of the challenges faced. It may also indicate a planned pregnancy.

KEYWORDS: Celebration, alliance, harmony, group, banquet

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Three of Cups indicates excessive joy leading to sorrow, overindulgence, and the need for moderation. It symbolizes disappointment from unmet expectations. In relationships, it may indicate discord within the group, failed alliances or collaborations, broken friendships, betrayal, or loss of support from loved ones. The outcome of events may not be as anticipated, with success turning into disappointment. It can also signify transient joy or fleeting opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Temporary joy, secret affair, debauchery, collective loss, overindulgence


A lamb sits under a tree in a bored and defensive posture, with arms crossed. In front of her are three cups representing her past experiences, while a newly appeared fourth cup goes unnoticed. Immersed in her world, she finds nothing worth doing or caring about, showing complete indifference.

Upright Meaning

The Four of Cups represents indifference or dissatisfaction. This lamb cannot find satisfaction in the three cups before her and ignores the new opportunities presented. She feels bored and uninterested in external matters, lacking motivation, avoiding social interactions, feeling misunderstood, and possibly desiring something beyond her current situation. This card sometimes indicates an affair due to dissatisfaction with the present. It advises reflection, returning to one's original life, not severing ties with the world, and cherishing current opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Dissatisfaction, indifference, withdrawal, affair, lack of connection

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Four of Cups suggests that dissatisfaction is coming to an end. Compared to the upright position, the reversed card indicates a greater ability to seize opportunities and show enthusiasm for life, ready to take action. If the environment doesn't meet your inner needs, redirect your focus to find emotional and spiritual nourishment elsewhere. It's time to revisit the themes of the Three of Cups, seeking someone who can remind or awaken your joy in life.

KEYWORDS: Seeking, new opportunities, shifting focus, taking action, losing connection


In a dimly lit room, a lamb leans dejectedly on a table, with three spilled cups on the floor symbolizing lost or wasted opportunities. Although three cups are overturned, two remain upright. She only needs to lift her head to see that she's not entirely without support. The wall separating her from the castle represents a secure life and possible familial support, with a path always available for her to return.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Cups describes loss and sorrow. It can represent separation or a feeling of estrangement from life. During this time, familiar and stable aspects seem to have deserted you. Before new opportunities appear, you must endure this period of loss or isolation. This card suggests sadness, regret, and disappointment, often hinting at the end of a friendship or marriage. It encourages us to focus on what we still have rather than what we've lost.

KEYWORDS: Sadness, depression, loss, disappointment, regret, clumsiness

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Five of Cups suggests readiness to forgive, forget, and move on, making it a more positive card. It indicates awareness of the nearby path that can lead to emotional stability and fulfillment. After a period of loss and sadness, you're ready to open your heart to love again. This card suggests the possibility of experiencing inner peace and receiving support from family and friends, or finding emotional refuge in a stable, routine life.

KEYWORDS: Forgiveness, release, moving on, letting go, broad-mindedness


In a serene and peaceful garden, six cups filled with flowers are seen. A lamb grandmother holds a cup, seemingly smelling the flowers or perhaps giving it to a lamb kid. The flowers in the cups illuminate the garden around them. The background is filled with vibrant yellow, representing happiness, and the weather is clear, creating a fairy-tale-like atmosphere.

Upright Meaning

The Six of Cups depicts a gentle and hidden scene with a sense of security and predictability, cherished but at a high cost. Because there is no risk, growth is often limited. It reminds us to be generous and willing to give, like the lamb grandmother. The Six of Cups also represents the past: nostalgia for childhood, previous relationships, or familiar environments. In relationships, it can signify a pure, first-love-like relationship or a reunion with an old lover. It may also indicate a nurturing relationship.

KEYWORDS: Childhood, memories, nostalgia, care, gifts

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the fairy-tale-like atmosphere is shattered, with childhood memories turning painful, seeming to pull you back. This card represents leaving safety to grow, shifting the source of security from external to internal. It suggests a more adventurous and growth-oriented situation, indicating true maturity comes when inner security is achieved. The lamb might feel neglected, abandoned, or even abused. The reversed Six of Cups can also mean the lamb is ready to look forward, focusing on the future instead of dwelling on the past.

KEYWORDS: Growth, neglect, loss, maturity, disillusionment


Seven cups float in a misty sky, each containing a different item: a castle (adventure or home), jewels (material wealth), a laurel wreath (victory), a dragon (fear or desire), an invisible head (mask), a glowing person (self), and a snake (wisdom or jealousy). The lamb gazes at the cups, contemplating how to balance life and achieve spiritual fulfillment.

Upright Meaning

The Seven of Cups represents the non-reality aspects of life, including dreams, fantasies, and daydreams. These imaginations are often castles in the air and unlikely to be acted upon, reflecting a psychological state rather than action. If the lamb has a plan that seems promising, the Seven of Cups warns that it might be just a fantasy. In relationships, it suggests unrequited love or unrealistic expectations. The card advises recognizing inner needs and clarifying what is truly required in a given situation.

KEYWORDS: Confusion, illusion, imagination, dreams, choices

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, life is filled with many distractions or responsibilities, leaving no time for deep thought. The mist clears, making decisions easier, and there's a renewed determination to pursue greater emotional fulfillment and turn dreams into reality. It suggests revisiting the stable and comforting state of the Six of Cups.

KEYWORDS: Clarity, decision, new start, reevaluation, moving forward


A lamb in a red cloak, symbolizing action, leaves behind eight cups, seeking the ninth. She walks towards higher ground, leaving behind the cups that represent past joys.

Upright Meaning

The Eight of Cups signifies breaking old patterns, letting go of attachments, and moving forward bravely. It represents seeking new fulfillment by abandoning existing comforts. It might mean leaving a job for something more valuable or withdrawing from a relationship in search of deeper happiness. The missing cup among the eight indicates a feeling of incompleteness. This card also represents sacrifice, leaving behind material pleasures for spiritual growth, and emotional courage to pursue deeper satisfaction.

KEYWORDS: Abandonment, dissatisfaction, action, retreat, sacrifice

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Eight of Cups suggests increased difficulty in taking action, hinting at a refusal to leave a situation that no longer serves. You need to affirm that life will offer better opportunities if you seek them. Alternatively, it might mean the time to leave hasn't come yet, despite an eagerness to do so. The reversed card suggests a lack of confidence or inner strength, urging you to listen to your inner voice rather than irrational fears.

KEYWORDS: Hesitation, escape, retreat, entanglement, dilemma


A lamb dressed as a rich man sits on a stool, contemplating. The bright sun in the background and the cups on the high table suggest indulgence. The Nine of Cups represents pleasure and relaxation after physical and mental exhaustion.

Upright Meaning

Nicknamed the "wish-come-true" card, the Nine of Cups indicates that the lamb's wishes are likely to come true, whether spiritual or material. It suggests an understanding of one's true value, leading to satisfaction and pride. This card indicates a deep fulfillment of inner needs, with success and happiness. Known as the wish card in minor arcana, it promises that kind and benevolent wishes or dreams will be fulfilled, bringing unparalleled satisfaction.

KEYWORDS: Pleasure, pride, sensory enjoyment, fulfillment, wish-come-true

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the orderly cups fall from the high table, depicting those with many unmet desires. The main issue is a lack of inner fulfillment. The longed-for satisfaction hasn't been achieved, leading to short-term indulgence and the escape of lasting peace. This might lead to addictions or compulsive behaviors like overeating, drinking, or gaming. The fear of giving love prevents receiving love in return. The reversed card suggests returning to the Eight of Cups' upright position to move away from those unable to provide long-term nourishment.

KEYWORDS: Indulgence, excess, being true to oneself, lack of discipline, escapism


A family of four enjoys a happy moment, with parents embracing and two lambs playing. The lush trees, river, and house in the background symbolize a stable, secure life. A rainbow formed by ten cups arches over them, filling the scene with joy, happiness, and contentment.

Upright Meaning

The Ten of Cups signifies joy and sharing. It describes a team or family that cooperates and shares all benefits, emotionally and physically. It can also represent harmonious teamwork among friends, colleagues, or any group connected emotionally. The card highlights emotional connections within a family, club, class, or close friends. It indicates ample emotional exchange and support, signifying a happy and fulfilling life with mature, stable relationships.

KEYWORDS: Emotions, group, family, fulfillment, harmony

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the hands that once held each other loosen, indicating detachment from those around you. A once harmonious situation now shows discord, with people no longer working as a team. It might suggest feeling excluded from a group or isolating oneself. Reversed, the card represents disharmony in an emotional group, such as conflicts between parents and children, marital discord, family turmoil, breakup, or quarrels between siblings or friends. It advises returning to the Nine of Cups' upright position to rediscover self-love and inner joy, and recognize the value of your contributions.

KEYWORDS: Detachment, loosening, discord, frustration, exclusion


The Page of Cups, dressed in flamboyant attire, gazes curiously at a fish jumping out of the cup. The fish symbolizes imagination, indicating the Page of Cups' extraordinary creativity. He seriously learns how to handle the cup, reflecting his emotional development. His serious yet youthful demeanor reflects his attitude and capability towards emotions. Holding the cup as if to present it to someone, he symbolizes the giving of new messages in relationships, which could be a love letter, invitation, or a call to go out, presenting an opportunity to meet new friends and embrace romantic chances.

Upright Meaning

The Page of Cups is the most imaginative lamb. Innocent, sensitive, intuitive, and fond of dreaming, he is curious and often asks unexpected questions. He is easy-going, cooperative, reliable, and cares about others' well-being, willing to serve them. He is a warm, creative, and sensitive child, like a shy little rabbit or a budding poet. Though sometimes overly sensitive and taking things too seriously, he is a source of joy for those around him, being generous, warm, and loving. He is like a beneficial little spirit, pure and kind.

KEYWORDS: Innocence, intuition, imagination, good friend, curious child

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Page of Cups can be overly sensitive, causing mental disturbances from constant daydreaming, leading to chaotic situations. Due to inexperience, he may appear naive and immature. The reversed card suggests the lamb refuses to accept the Page's messages or opportunities, unwilling to give to others, possibly rejecting kindness or invitations. As the Page represents new messages, a reversed Page may hint at disappointing or delayed news.

KEYWORDS: Vulnerability, timidity, oversensitivity, chaos, delayed news


The Knight of Cups' white horse gracefully moves forward, mirroring its owner's elegance. Slowing down to understand his emotions, the Knight holds the cup, representing his pursuit of earthly emotional exchanges and enjoyment of a sweet, romantic relationship.

Upright Meaning

The Knight of Cups is the most romantic lover, often referred to as the Prince Charming. He is a sincere lamb who values emotions, possesses charm that delights others, and is romantic and considerate, almost entirely focused on his lover. Typically artistic and idealistic, he might appear shy but can engage in lively conversations with friends, making him attractive to new acquaintances. Although he might struggle to realize his dreams fully, his ideals and talents make him a valuable and polite friend.

KEYWORDS: Elegance, romance, attraction, Prince Charming, romantic poet

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Knight of Cups fails in pursuits due to insensitivity or lack of delicacy. Spreading his emotions thinly, he becomes unreliable. He might be insincere or deceitful in relationships, frequently falling in and out of love, showing emotional immaturity. His vivid imagination leads to many ideas, but few are actualized. Easily discouraged by setbacks, he might mix love with lust, becoming lazy, indulgent, and lost in fantasies, avoiding reality.

KEYWORDS: Infatuation, daydreaming, introversion, pretentiousness, emotionality


The Queen of Cups holds the cup with both hands, intently gazing at it. Seated on a throne by the sea, topped with two mermaids holding a large shell, she represents emotional contact. She is delicate, gentle, and highly perceptive, valuing relationships deeply and cherishing love.

Upright Meaning

The Queen of Cups signifies success through listening to feelings and using creative imagination. She typically represents a mature lamb with intuitive and creative qualities, quiet, and thoughtful. Suitable for counseling, psychology, social work, childcare, collaboration, medical care, and creative professions, she is intuitive, compassionate, kind, and cultured, possessing deep emotions. Highly imaginative, intuitive, and romantic, she offers comfort and support, always surrounded by admiring friends.

KEYWORDS: Sensitivity, care, imagination, poetess, artist, romantic heroine

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the Queen of Cups becomes lost in emotional tides, overly indulgent, failing to understand others' feelings, seeking care but unable to treat others well, losing valuable emotions. Still beautiful, but overly emotional, creating a sense of unreliability. Drowned in emotions and fantasy, she appears as a victim, becoming melancholic, sensitive, self-pitying, emotional, unrealistic, dependent, addicted, and dishonest, lacking a sense of reality.

KEYWORDS: Indulgence, temptation, emotional excess, over-sensitivity, love as an excuse


The King sits on a throne in the midst of a turbulent sea, with a ship on his right symbolizing subconscious emergence. Holding a scepter in his left hand and a cup in his right, he is the only member of the Cups family not focusing on the cup, indicating he must balance his emotions with his responsibilities as a leader.

Upright Meaning

This card represents a dignified, elegant, and mature male, kind and gentle, with a calm demeanor and rich emotions. His amiable and sincere nature makes him charming and generous. When confident, he exudes innate romance and talent. As the King of Cups, he combines imagination, training, and persistence for success. Traditionally a religious leader, he is now seen as a devoted family man, caring deeply for family, love, and property, ready to give everything for his cherished values.

KEYWORDS: Elegance, romance, attraction, Prince Charming, romantic poet

Reversed Meaning

When reversed, the King of Cups excessively indulges in emotions, becoming weak and yielding to desires. His artistic nature might lack responsibility and principles, with emotions overshadowing rational judgment, leading to biased actions, insincerity, and deceit, creating a sense of unreliability. Harboring resentment, he may resort to indulgence or addiction to cope with emotional turmoil.

KEYWORDS: Indulgence, resentment, corruption, deceit, double standards


A lamb's hand extends from the clouds, holding a strong wand. Fresh green leaves sprout from the wand and flutter in the air, with a distant castle hinting at potential future success.

Upright Meaning

All aces signify a new beginning, and the Ace of Wands typically represents the start of a plan or action. The wand is filled with creativity and enthusiasm, brimming with boundless energy, and capable of unlocking potential. In some cases, the Ace of Wands can even signify the arrival of new life. If you have a new plan, idea, action, or direction, the appearance of the Ace of Wands indicates a bright future. It’s a good time to be bold and follow your adventurous spirit. This card is the source of the fire element, suggesting that the lamb might feel invigorated in an unpredictable but potentially limitless way. It may also represent new opportunities, and regardless of success, these should not be easily abandoned.

KEYWORDS: New action, creation, opportunity, inspiration, growth

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Ace of Wands suggests a higher likelihood of failure for new actions, with potential obstacles or delays. Selfishness, lack of planning, or determination can hinder progress. The reversed Ace of Wands advises examining overlooked aspects to enhance the chances of success. Careful consideration is needed to decide whether to proceed with the action or opportunity. If representing new life, a reversed Ace of Wands may indicate miscarriage or abortion.

KEYWORDS: Further study, obstacles, delays, postponement, hesitation


A lamb in lordly attire stands on his castle walls, overlooking his vast domain and gazing at the distant ocean. Holding a globe-like sphere in his right hand and resting his left hand on a wand, the other wand is secured to the wall with an iron ring. The crossed white lilies and red roses on the wall symbolize the balance between pure thoughts and passion.

Upright Meaning

The lordly lamb’s gaze is complex; he appears to survey his impressive domain while also studying the globe, pondering and planning. Standing at the top of the world, he still experiences a sense of melancholy. The Two of Wands reflects both success and emptiness, representing decisions, typically physical ones like moving, changing jobs, or making concrete life changes. It symbolizes the evaluation of choices before action, representing a choice between familiar things and desired things.

KEYWORDS: Authority, courage, planning, decision, choice

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Two of Wands indicates a loss of power and courage, resulting in poor planning and unsuccessful outcomes. The lamb might feel frustrated and dissatisfied but is afraid to face new challenges. Conversely, it can also mean that the lamb has finally decided to stop contemplating and take the next step. Prolonged hesitation in a familiar environment might stem from an unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions, often forcing life to change.

KEYWORDS: Confinement, frustration, idle talk, waiting, dissatisfaction


A successful merchant lamb stands atop a mountain, holding one of the three upright wands rooted in the ground, gazing at three golden ships in the harbor. His demeanor exudes calm and authority.

Upright Meaning

The merchant’s extensive business and leadership position make the Three of Wands a card of vision and leadership. It suggests that the lamb has the capability to lead a team effectively. This card also represents cooperation, with ships working together to achieve their trade goals. The merchant gazes forward, sending his ships into an unknown world. Unlike the Fool’s lack of thought or the Hermit’s solitude, he understands his actions well and is ready for the next step, meticulously planned. The Three of Wands indicates it’s a good time to explore new territories. In relationships, it may represent successful long-distance love or exploring new connections. For travel, it often signifies studying or working abroad.

KEYWORDS: Trade, leadership, vision, cooperation, exploration

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Three of Wands indicates a lack of cooperation, poor partners, lack of vision, or failed leadership and trade due to overconfidence, excessive ambition, or poor planning. It can signify delays in expansion and adventure, with obstacles and hindrances. Travel plans may be disrupted, with trade issues and unproductive efforts leading to disappointment. The lamb must return to the lessons of the Two of Wands to reconsider choices.

KEYWORDS: Delay, hesitation, standstill, setback, lack of vision


Four large wands stand erect, adorned with victory garlands. Two lambs dance joyfully with flower bouquets, while distant celebrating figures and a sunlit castle create a scene of harmony and prosperity.

Upright Meaning

The Four of Wands depicts a stable family or work environment, with lambs freely moving, full of desire, passion, and optimism, dancing and celebrating under the sun. It represents solidity and the realization of planned endeavors, often suggesting moving to a new home or job, or finding stability in the current environment. This card also signifies the potential for starting a family, successful marriage, and stable relationships. Overall, the Four of Wands is a very positive card, representing business success, new beginnings, goals achieved, blossoming love or friendship, weddings, childbirth, victory banquets, and joyful events.

KEYWORDS: Stability, settling down, celebration, harmony, prosperity

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Four of Wands indicates a loss of security, with instability in work, relationships, or personal life. The lamb feels unsteady and anxious, as if the protective environment is lost. Joy and celebration diminish, like the garlands falling from the wands. The reversed card suggests leaving a home or job, with less stability in the new environment. Happiness may be less apparent, possibly due to insatiability and lack of gratitude.

KEYWORDS: Weakening, transition, disharmony, instability, fragile foundation


Five lambs with wands in different positions and directions create a chaotic scene, the most disordered card in the wand suite. They tussle and fight, unable to agree, reflecting differing stances, personalities, or unequal status.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Wands signifies the clash of forces, competition, and conflict. It represents the inability to unify forces, often arising from dissatisfaction or emotional unrest, leading to quarrels and fights. This is a card of struggle, with varying degrees of severity depending on the issue. The image suggests a practice battlefield, symbolizing imitation and representing all forms of games and competitions. The Five of Wands symbolizes life’s battles and challenges, possibly internal conflicts, advising the lamb to stay calm and identify the root cause of the disturbance.

KEYWORDS: Conflict, competition, chaos, imitation, battle

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Five of Wands is more positive, suggesting finding common ground after disputes. It may also indicate a cold war or self-contradictory situations. While the upright card represents fair competition, the reversed card might involve deceit and cheating. The advice is to resolve issues promptly, addressing troublesome matters proactively to avoid prolonged problems.

KEYWORDS: Rest, deceit, contradiction, reorganization, darkest before dawn


The Six of Wands depicts a victory parade, with a heroic lamb wearing a laurel wreath, riding a white horse and surrounded by supporters. The white color represents purity, the horse symbolizes strength, and the red cloak signifies energy and passion. The lamb holds a wand adorned with a victory wreath, embraced by joyous lambs.

Upright Meaning

The Six of Wands signifies honor and reputation, symbolizing the attainment of status or promotion. Even without a visible victory, it represents significant progress. This card shows the lamb receiving recognition and praise, a symbol of success achieved through competition. The optimistic fire element indicates that belief in oneself and effort will lead to success. Emotionally, it signifies success through shared goals.

KEYWORDS: Honor, victory, progress, confidence, good news

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Six of Wands has several implications: the victorious rider falls, becoming a loser; confidence turns to arrogance, leading to failure; good news becomes bad news; or success is delayed. It suggests failed plans and false courage or optimism born from fear or insecurity. Unlike the upright card, it indicates the arrival of bad news or uncertainty, causing anxiety. It can also signify giving up too soon, missing out on potential success.

KEYWORDS: Retreat, arrogance, internal conflict, scattered energy, delayed success


A brave lamb stands atop a lush mountain, holding a wand and fending off six attacking wands from below. Her determined expression shows resilience. She stands firm, torn between the stability of the Six of Wands and the freedom of the Eight of Wands. The rugged high ground, though advantageous, is challenging.

Upright Meaning

The Seven of Wands signifies conflict and defense. Despite the difficulty of protecting her territory, the lamb is in control and may even enjoy the challenge. It suggests facing opposition to your ideas or plans, but perseverance will lead to success. All Sevens in tarot advise “not giving up.” Although challenges are greater, they inspire more dedication. The card also indicates competition, conflicts, and debates, suggesting the lamb remain steadfast and determined.

KEYWORDS: Defense, challenge, courage, opposition, resistance

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Seven of Wands shows the lamb losing her advantageous position, becoming vulnerable. She might become a deserter or a coward in the face of challenges. Lacking confidence, she becomes weak and unable to respond quickly, risking failure. It advises evaluating whether the battle is worth fighting. If conditions are objectively favorable, firm resolve can still turn the tide. If conditions are poor, it’s wiser to retreat and protect oneself.

KEYWORDS: Delay, pressure, hesitation, anxiety, chaos


Eight wands fly through the air in unison against a backdrop of blue skies and white clouds. With their tips pointing down, they are about to land, suggesting the arrival of something new in your life.

Upright Meaning

"Speed" is the essence of the Eight of Wands, highlighting the freedom to dream. When liberated from everyday constraints, wands lambs feel radiant and challenged. In this atmosphere of freedom and excitement, wands fly like airplanes, swiftly reaching set goals. You might unexpectedly meet a passionate lover, get a new job, receive new inspiration, or make new friends. The Eight of Wands brings optimism and enthusiasm, often indicating travel, especially by air, or sudden trips or business travels that are usually enjoyable. It can also represent messages, often positive ones when upright.

KEYWORDS: Freedom, speed, arrival, travel, message

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Eight of Wands indicates disrupted actions, with wands misaligned and unable to reach their intended destination, scattering their energy and failing to achieve goals. It can suggest hasty decisions, rapid developments catching the lamb off guard, or widespread delays, including canceled or problematic travel plans. The reversed card also signifies jealousy and disputes, contrasting the upright card’s “arrows of love” with “arrows of envy.”

KEYWORDS: Overspeed, haste, loss of control, delay, cancellation


A lamb leans on a long wand, seemingly waiting. His head is bandaged, showing past injuries not yet healed. Though weary, he remains vigilant, awaiting the next attack. Behind him, eight wands stand orderly, guarding his home.

Upright Meaning

This is the first card in the Wands suite to reflect on the past. The bandage and expression indicate past efforts were not entirely successful but provided valuable experience. Despite the pressure, he remains prepared, demonstrating vigilance and resilience. The Nine of Wands symbolizes a state of readiness under pressure, testing the lamb’s capabilities. Defense is a major theme, with the eight wands representing resources or support. The lamb should learn from this warrior’s steadfastness. In relationships, it’s not a good omen, suggesting defensive, guarded, and painful interactions, requiring great endurance.

KEYWORDS: Vigilance, stubbornness, defense, experience, reflection

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Nine of Wands indicates a loss of spirit, lethargy, unpreparedness, health issues, or a desire to give up defense. It may suggest the lamb is overwhelmed by an opponent’s strength, risking defeat. This doesn’t mean giving up is necessary, but finding alternative strategies is crucial. Additionally, the card’s inherent waiting meaning is intensified when reversed, showing delays and the lamb's struggle to cope with overwhelming issues, suggesting a need for rest and recovery.

KEYWORDS: Overburden, waiting, obstruction, stubbornness, outnumbered


A lamb struggles to carry ten heavy wands towards her home. Exhausted by the weight, she continues, step by step, unwilling to give up.

Upright Meaning

The Ten of Wands centers on “pressure” and “effort,” indicating success burdened by heavy responsibilities. It represents harvest, good fortune, and success, followed by accompanying burdens. The lamb carries a heavy load alone, perhaps reflecting the belief that to complete something properly, one must do it oneself. This can be due to reluctance to refuse, poor planning, overcommitment, or fear of losing face. Despite the pressure, she perseveres out of faith and responsibility. However, learning to plan better and say no can significantly improve the situation.

KEYWORDS: Exhaustion, pressure, effort, responsibility, struggle

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Ten of Wands can mean approaching a breaking point or realizing the need to lighten the load. It may suggest putting down burdens, either due to inability to bear them or completing the tasks and finding relief. It signifies releasing responsibilities, whether from collapse, abandonment, or successful completion.

KEYWORDS: Release, recovery, ease, freedom, false alarm


The Page of Wands plants his wand before him, curiously examining its top, as if studying something. The most mischievous lamb, he resembles the Fool in some ways. Energetic and adventurous, he is enthusiastic, honest, natural, and unpretentious, with a fearless spirit. Though his position may be low, he approaches his work with passion and interest.

Upright Meaning

The Page of Wands’ task is to carry and deliver messages or protect the wand. Therefore, he represents a messenger or someone related to delivery, with an emphasis on emotional messages. He symbolizes new plans or challenges and can describe children or anyone under 22. This type of lamb enjoys outdoor activities, sports, and social interactions, being straightforward, honest, and energetic. The card suggests youthful vitality and action, starting new ventures or relationships, or entering a new phase in an existing relationship.

KEYWORDS: Enthusiasm, activity, messenger, new news, little rascal

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Page of Wands implies overthinking and lack of action, leading to chaos. Struggling with tasks due to overexcitement, he may act without guidelines, misjudge, or handle things improperly, feeling hurt and deprived of the wand. This results in reluctance and dissatisfaction, akin to a spoiled child becoming unruly. As a lover, he may be fickle, blindly entering and exiting relationships without knowing what he wants.

KEYWORDS: Overload, waiting, obstruction, stubbornness, outnumbered


The Knight of Wands rides a strong horse, holding a wand, confidently gazing into the distance. His helmet's red plume symbolizes his fiery temperament and passion. Full of drive and energy, this impressive lamb values his performance highly.

Upright Meaning

The Knight of Wands is impatient, passionate, eager to explore the world, and straightforward. He has bursts of effort but tires of long-term goals. Bold and confident, he loves challenges and is optimistic and outgoing. The most active court card, he is a true action-oriented lamb, courageous and energetic, entertaining others. As a lover, he pursues boldly and passionately, unafraid of public affection. The Knight of Wands signifies travel or change and is a powerful card, especially for new ventures or expansion, particularly in risky endeavors.

KEYWORDS: Enthusiasm, vitality, action-oriented, positive, sunny boy, athlete

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Knight of Wands' misdirected energy leads to inappropriate behavior, losing dignity. Failure stems from impulsiveness, arrogance, disputes, or quickly abandoning pursuits. Alternatively, he may avoid risks and resist change, hindered by circumstances.

Misplaced energy results in unachieved goals. As an event, it indicates delayed, canceled, or interrupted travel.

KEYWORDS: Arrogance, rashness, interruption, obstruction, discord


The Queen of Wands, in golden attire, sits on a throne, holding a sunflower, symbolizing light and joy. The throne's armrests are lions, representing her control over inner beastliness. A black cat symbolizes inspiration and intuition. She is proactive, confident, passionate, and friendly, acting on instinct and using inner strength to achieve goals.

Upright Meaning

The Queen of Wands is generous, brave, straightforward, enthusiastic, bold, and independent, sometimes authoritative. She values practical success and honor, cares about societal aspects, and is strong-willed and confident. Socially, she is popular, outgoing, energetic, and inspiring. As a peer, she is a lively sunshine girl; as a senior or boss, she is approachable, a successful businesswoman, motivating others. She manages finances well and desires financial success.

KEYWORDS: Joyful, straightforward, financial luck, sunshine girl, heroine

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Queen of Wands’ honest nature turns deceitful and unfaithful, becoming jealous, sharp-tongued, impatient, and controlling. Self-centered and aggressive, she becomes unpredictable and temperamental. Emotionally, she may become a frightening, possessive partner with potential for infidelity. Her inner strength diminishes, lacking courage and confidence for success, filled with doubt, self-criticism, and exposed fears.

KEYWORDS: Impulsiveness, arrogance, overindulgence, jealousy, bad temper


The King of Wands leans slightly forward on his throne, ready to act. The wand symbolizes worldly business and power, with the king holding it, signifying his capability and concern for dignity and honor, valuing achievements.

Upright Meaning

The King of Wands represents a dignified, masculine, and charismatic man, proactive and positive. His presence is warm and energetic, mature and poised. He is sincere and straightforward, strong-willed, and assertive, deciding matters based on personal preferences. Skilled in wielding the wand’s authority, he possesses strong willpower and consistent action. This mature man offers security and reliability, earning both admiration and respect, resembling a father figure.

KEYWORDS: Enthusiasm, vitality, action-oriented, positive, sunny boy, athlete

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the King of Wands overuses fire and wand elements, becoming overly competitive, unrealistic, slow, and reckless. Aggressive and irritable, he struggles to complete plans, acting willfully and abusing power. Angered, he becomes hot-tempered, strict, and harsh, acting imprudently and lacking foresight. His behavior becomes exaggerated and impractical, losing decisiveness and producing suboptimal results.

KEYWORDS: Arrogance, rashness, interruption, obstruction, discord


A lamb's hand extends from the clouds, holding a pentacle. The five-pointed star represents five parts: head, two hands, and two feet pointing upwards. The steady hand symbolizes the earth element's practical nature, extending from a spiritual level— the cosmos or the source of all things. The background of a lush garden and expansive landscape suggests that the Ace of Pentacles is not only about material matters but can also extend to spiritual aspects.

Upright Meaning

The earth element in the Pentacles suite represents the most practical aspects of life, including money, wealth, and the body. When it appears, it usually signifies a new financial or material plan, such as an investment plan, home purchase, or business venture, with a promising outlook. This card does not guarantee everlasting success but indicates that what you desire is within reach. It can represent a raise, profit, income, investment opportunity, reward, inheritance, or gift. It is a card that transforms dreams into reality, making us steady, practical, and secure.

KEYWORDS: Wealth, enjoyment, security, material, financial plan

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the pentacle slips from the hand, symbolizing loss of money and wealth. It suggests feeling the loss of possessions or inability to manage the material world, or it could mean holding something that should be discarded—a counterfeit, depreciated asset, symbolizing false wealth. This also implies being deceived, encountering financial fraud, and suffering financial losses. Buildings in reverse indicate issues, real estate problems, or expensive repairs. It generally signifies financial decisions that may fail, low or delayed returns, pay cuts, wasteful spending, or financial loss. It advises adopting a conservative approach and maintaining what you have.

KEYWORDS: Luxury, wastefulness, loss, insufficiency


A lamb, resembling a street juggler, juggles two pentacles, symbolizing balancing money, energy, or talents between what must be done and what he wants to do. The infinity symbol formed by the ribbon around the pentacles suggests that money is a form of energy that constantly circulates.

Upright Meaning

The Two of Pentacles, as seen in the juggling lamb, narrowly represents financial fluctuations and broadly the ups and downs of life. Drawing the Two of Pentacles often means dealing with various fluctuations, including emotional, financial, or other aspects. The lamb may need to handle multiple situations simultaneously, like a circus clown juggling many balls. This card shows a person focused on finances, without major financial pressure but needing to decide which money to spend first. It suggests maintaining flexibility, seeking balance, and weighing the importance of various opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Fluctuation, flexibility, balance, entertainment, coordination

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the motion stops, and the circulation of coins halts. This could be due to interference or obstruction, indicating financial management issues, cash flow problems, or something stuck in the process. The lamb must stop, which, although relieving the tension, ends the constant pressure. It may mean indecision between two opportunities or recognizing the need to cut expenses in winter. The lamb needs to decide what to give up and choose a plan. It could imply spreading too thin or failing due to haste.

KEYWORDS: Financial crisis, dilemma, choice, fluctuation, instability


Three lambs work in a church building, with three pentacles embedded above. Each lamb has a role: the monk and nun offer advice while the sculptor lamb works, symbolizing teamwork.

Upright Meaning

The Three of Pentacles signifies building something of lasting value on a solid foundation. It represents early work results, with the sculptor receiving praise for his initial designs, but much work remains. It signifies achievements and honors from professional skills and efforts, often representing teamwork and shared goals. It can indicate promotions or pay raises for professionals and good grades for students. In relationships, it might suggest a workplace romance or a focus on material aspects, lacking emotional exchange.

KEYWORDS: Cooperation, coordination, planning, honor, skill

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the tools drop, ruining the work, and advice turns into useless chatter, indicating a flawed or insufficient plan leading to failure. It may suggest dissatisfaction with work, team discord, or insufficient experience, knowledge, or skill. It advises learning and working harder to gain the capability to handle the job. It could also mean failing to learn from a situation, causing repeated issues.

KEYWORDS: Superficiality, weak foundation, trouble, low standard, repetition


A lamb in lordly attire sits on a chest, tightly holding three pentacles, with one under his feet. He must remain still to avoid dropping them. Though wealthy, he is isolated from other lambs. The Four of Pentacles is nicknamed "The Miser" or "The Hoarder."

Upright Meaning

The Four of Pentacles often signifies material gain and stability, possibly from work, inheritance, or gifts, but does not guarantee spiritual growth. It represents tightly holding onto material assets or a person, viewing them as possessions. In relationships, it suggests a jealous and possessive partner. As a boss, it indicates a stingy employer, reluctant to give raises, yet possibly good at financial management. This card suggests hoarding and stinginess, unwilling to share wealth or resources.

KEYWORDS: Stinginess, profit, control, possession, inheritance, selfishness, self-centeredness

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the coins drop, the lord unable to maintain his wealth, leading to relinquishment of former insistences or beginning to enjoy and waste resources. It could indicate devaluation from hoarding money too long. Despite opportunities, doubts cause missed chances. Existing status and wealth may be lost, creating a precarious situation. While upright suggests stability, reversed implies instability or lack of freedom to change. It warns of spending faster than accumulating, leading to debt.

KEYWORDS: Suspicion, extravagance, waste, generosity, freedom


In a snowy landscape, two beggar lambs struggle onward, crippled and hunched, passing a church with five pentacles on the window, representing a secure world they ignore. They support each other, adding warmth amidst hunger and exhaustion, focusing on survival.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Pentacles indicates a lack of support, financially or spiritually, insufficient information or knowledge, or absence of helpful individuals. They haven't seen or rejected the church door. Outer misery reflects inner suffering. This card suggests needing to accept life’s changes and consider self-improvement. It also signifies love in hardship, where partners support each other despite poverty. Generally, it speaks of financial difficulties, poverty, illness, and inner loneliness. Struggles narrow the focus, ignoring opportunities.

KEYWORDS: Lack, poverty, illness, hardship, lovers

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it represents discord, chaos, destruction, disharmony, and indulgence. The beggars’ fate worsens, with the church more hidden. Alternatively, it signifies overcoming adversity and finding survival paths. The outcome depends on other cards, requiring personal responsibility to achieve the best result. Difficult times will pass.

KEYWORDS: Recovery, change, discord, chaos, restoration


A wealthy lamb stands on high ground, wearing a golden-orange hat, a symbol of material resource control. Before him, two poor lambs seek aid. His left hand holds a balancing scale, and his right hand dispenses coins. The lambs eagerly reach out for help, showing the merchant's prosperous business and excellent financial status.

Upright Meaning

The generous merchant knows how to give back to society, enjoying success and kindness. He is a charitable, generous investor, using the scales to manage affairs wisely, indicating good judgment in possession, ownership, and distribution. This card is very favorable economically, indicating satisfaction in all aspects. The lamb might play the merchant or beggar role. From the “receiving” perspective, it suggests obtaining desired things, like repayment of old debts, timely aid, or awaited funds. From the “giving” angle, it indicates providing help or gifts.

KEYWORDS: Charity, generosity, financial management, giving and receiving, magnanimity

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it indicates mismanagement of finances, leading to losses. The tilted scale loses fairness and reason, with imbalanced finances and business losses. Financial operations are obstructed, representing bad debts or unpayable debts. The merchant becomes stingy, refusing aid, so the receiver doesn’t get what they want, or the giver is miserly. The merchant loses balance wisdom, spending recklessly, and possibly facing theft.

KEYWORDS: Theft, loss, imbalance, coercion, lack of control


Six pentacles grow in a field, ready for harvest, with one pentacle in the lamb’s hand, representing harvested fruits. The lamb gazes at the long-awaited harvest, satisfied, pondering the next steps, caught between financial stability of the Six of Pentacles and the opportunities of the Eight of Pentacles.

Upright Meaning

The lamb’s thoughts focus on this field, valuing and treasuring the results. After long efforts, it’s time to pause and assess current achievements and plan the next steps. Like a graduate considering employment, a retiree reflecting on past accomplishments, or a couple deciding future plans. Financially, it signifies moderate success, suggesting careful planning of how to use or reallocate resources for greater success.

KEYWORDS: Patience, waiting, harvest, pause, reflection

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the field is destroyed, past efforts wasted, erasing future hopes. Environmental factors or poor investments hinder growth. It may be due to the lamb’s actions—unwise investments or poor management causing growth issues. Lack of patience and premature harvesting lead to losses. It also indicates dissatisfaction with current state, suggesting stagnation in relationships or business.

KEYWORDS: Loss, stagnation, conservatism, worry, impulsiveness


A sculptor lamb focuses on carving a pentacle, having completed seven hanging on the wall, symbolizing past achievements. A yellow path connects him to a distant town, representing his work’s connection to society and service to the flock.

Upright Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles represents working to earn money, accumulating wealth, and focusing on financial gains. This slow and steady progress showcases the diligence and grounded nature of the Pentacles suite. It represents a diligent student, dedicated employee, skilled craftsman, or hardworking athlete. Not necessarily a genius, but their efforts surpass others. In love, it indicates persistent pursuit and careful nurturing, though it might mean neglecting personal life for career. For job seekers, it means job opportunities are imminent. For investors, it indicates some gains.

KEYWORDS: Skill, diligence, work, commitment, focus, caution

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the craftsman loses virtues, experiencing burnout or overwork, leading to failure. It may suggest dissatisfaction with current job or a desire to change jobs, possibly due to focus on money rather than work itself. In relationships, it indicates lack of commitment. The Eight of Pentacles advises enjoying work and finding joy in it, leading to success and wealth.

KEYWORDS: Distraction, unfaithfulness, carelessness, frustration, lack of commitment


A wealthy lamb stands in her vineyard, surrounded by ripe grapes, enjoying the harvest season. A snail crawls slowly, symbolizing life's cycle and time’s progression. A hooded bird rests on her hand, a pet and spiritual companion, symbolizing freedom lost.

Upright Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles primarily signifies success, representing the joy of wealth, material comfort, and a luxurious life earned through effort. She enjoys her wealth alone, indicating independence. Besides material wealth, she appreciates life and surroundings. It’s a card of confidence and self-reliance, essential for exceptional achievements. Combining confidence with discipline yields benefits in many aspects.

KEYWORDS: Wealth, success, confidence, enjoyment, discipline, independence

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it suggests failure due to lack of discipline. Wealth diminishes, the garden’s fruits fall, and resources are lost due to wasteful attitudes. A crisis or storm may destroy gains. It signifies material setbacks and unfavorable conditions. Alternatively, it indicates obsession with wealth, taking shortcuts, or using deceitful means, resulting in failure. Generally, it shows misplaced efforts on wrong pursuits.

KEYWORDS: Waste, squandering, obsession, distraction, self-exile


Ten pentacles decorate a room, depicting a wealthy family. An elderly lamb sits comfortably, two dogs by his side, with a lamb playing with a dog and a couple talking in the background. Outside, a factory and blue sky signify prosperity and enterprise.

Upright Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles indicates wealth and material success, benefiting the entire family and future generations. It signifies efforts in business, saving, investing, and working, encompassing all previous Pentacles cards. Wealth is often inherited, representing a large family with at least three generations. Though traditional and closed, it’s stable and peaceful. It’s a very positive omen for finances and career, indicating success in investments, partnerships, job searches, salary negotiations, and business.

KEYWORDS: Wealth, inheritance, family, business group, material success

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it indicates financial difficulties, with sustained financial activities interrupted, suggesting a business lacking a solid foundation facing operational challenges. For families, it implies decline and relationship problems. Business leaders might take risky ventures, misjudging and impacting the family. It’s a card of gambling, not just money but business or financial risks. It advises evaluating if material life is overemphasized.

KEYWORDS: Materialism, debt, overestimation, misjudgment, speculation, gambling


The Page of Pentacles has dark hair and eyes, practical and steady, enjoying nature, outdoor activities, and animals. The bright sky suggests a hopeful future, and success from careful planning. Holding a pentacle, he seems to speak, announcing news. His role involves financial matters.

Upright Meaning

Traditionally, the Page of Pentacles represents an apprentice, a studious lamb. He seeks knowledge, experience, and skills, focusing on practical subjects with meticulous planning. He is the most financially adventurous Pentacles member but only after thorough consideration, as Pentacles lambs are cautious. He represents financial dealings, a stable new friend, or work obsession. He is calm, steady, and knowledgeable. In relationships, he signifies strong commitment.

KEYWORDS: Courses, study, diligence, apprentice, small trader

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it suggests lack of commitment, describing an immature lamb, restless, inconsistent, unable to execute plans, or wasting energy. It may indicate restlessness, changing goals, and scattered focus. Reversed, it shows career struggles, potential unemployment, or financial tightness. He craves money and material, avoiding the responsibilities needed to build wealth. He neglects studies, skips classes, and falls behind. In relationships, it indicates lack of commitment and indulgence in physical pleasures, showing financial pursuit failures.

KEYWORDS: Restlessness, inconsistency, distraction, irresponsibility, lack of commitment


The young knight sits upright on a black horse, examining a pentacle. The strong black horse with a thick red saddle, the only stationary steed among knights, reflects a cautious, practical attitude. The knight pauses to view the landscape, contemplating past gains.

Upright Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles is the most cautious and practical of the knights. He is diligent, careful, hardworking, punctual, and reliable, the best assistant and loyal employee. Though not yet as established as the King of Pentacles, he steadily climbs, aiming for financial security. He is diligent and persevering, working tirelessly without complaint. Financially prudent, he avoids waste, though he might seem frugal. He advises strengthening plans and progressing towards clear goals. In love, he might seem cold but is warm inside.

KEYWORDS: Steady, reliable, workaholic, second-generation rich, realist

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Knight of Pentacles may be ambitious but unwilling to work hard or persist. Chasing money ineffectively, he may lose more. Investment or effort may lead to instability. Financial competition may result in failure or others benefiting. He seems lazy in all life areas, contributing little, appearing detached. He may rebel against authority, challenging father figures.

KEYWORDS: Laziness, sloppiness, delay, dislike for authority


The Queen of Pentacles, graceful and dignified, holds a pentacle, looking thoughtful. Her blue-green dress symbolizes a heart united with nature, tolerant and harmonious. Roses form an arch, indicating romance. A rabbit hops by, symbolizing fertility, love, and the Queen’s gentle nature.

Upright Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes wealth, success, security, and good financial sense, loving nature, practicality, and warmth. She enjoys charity, helping others, holding a high social status, and living luxuriously. A skilled businesswoman, her profession may involve finance or real estate. She works tirelessly and plays a crucial role in her partner’s business. She values routine, is patient, and has a personal life philosophy.

KEYWORDS: Warmth, abundance, businesswoman, matron, professional

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Queen is restless, anxious about work, fixating on unnecessary details and missing the bigger picture. She may misjudge situations, becoming overly pragmatic or indulgent. Fearing loss, she becomes insecure, leading to suspicion and complex financial interactions. She may prioritize materialism, becoming greedy, or indulging excessively.

KEYWORDS: Suspicion, obsession, materialism, callousness, nitpicking


The King of Pentacles sits leisurely in his garden, holding a pentacle. His castle in the background symbolizes material success and control, but he enjoys the garden, filled with grapes and plants, showing prosperity. He is a successful, wealthy, and financially savvy individual, enjoying life.

Upright Meaning

The King of Pentacles represents a practical, mature person, grounded, reliable, and conservative, fulfilling promises and responsibilities. He prides himself on his throne, holding a pentacle, needing to feel and touch success. He achieves success through steady progress and careful action. A capable business manager, he is straightforward and honest, excelling in long-term commitments.

KEYWORDS: Worldly, wealth, businessman, industrialist, boss

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the King of Pentacles overindulges in earth elements and pentacles, becoming greedy and indulgent. Lacking self-control, he misuses money and resources, leading to corruption. He becomes stubborn, eccentric, and irresponsible, losing operational ability, unwilling to continue efforts, greedy and miserly, rigid, and unkind. He lacks business ethics and integrity, potentially becoming wicked.

KEYWORDS: Corruption, stubbornness, miserliness, laziness, reckless risk-taking


A lamb's hand emerges from the clouds, gripping a sword that pierces a golden crown. The sword represents clear thinking, piercing through illusions to reach the truth. It signifies that your mind can see through the material world and understand that in the universe, there are no rewards or punishments, only outcomes.

Upright Meaning

The Ace of Swords symbolizes a beginning, representing the formation of an idea or a plan for future action. This card represents clear thinking or an understanding of what is needed to complete a plan. Traditionally, swords represent harm, indicating a new challenge that may succeed or fail. The double-edged sword emphasizes the responsibilities and rewards of reality, achievement, and success. The Ace of Swords also signifies extremes and excess in any aspect. The upright sword reflects rational, neutral power, indicating that the challenge is a start with potential, depending on the holder's actions.

KEYWORDS: New challenge, extremity, rationality, determination, justice

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Ace of Swords suggests overusing thoughts and wisdom, complicating matters or expanding problems. The result is more negative than the upright position, indicating challenges or disasters requiring solutions, often disorganized. It suggests a lack of clear plans and goals, turning thoughts inward. While the reversed Ace of Swords retains some upright meanings, the likelihood of failure increases, recommending careful evaluation. Unfairness or abuse of power may arise.

KEYWORDS: Confusion, harshness, severity, autocracy, injustice


A lamb in a light gray dress sits on a stone bench, back to the turbulent, rocky sea. Blindfolded, she holds two swords crossed over her chest. A crescent moon shines above, with moon-colored decorations symbolizing talent and imagination. Each sword represents a choice, and she evaluates options without emotion. The water behind her represents emotions, which she avoids by turning her back and covering her eyes, showing total avoidance and confusion.

Upright Meaning

The Two of Swords is about decisions, indicating indecision or refusal to make a decision. She crosses her arms defensively, unwilling to open her heart. The swords stand still, opposing each other, creating a stalemate. This card often represents deadlock, confrontation, and cold war. It suggests fear and anger towards the world, possibly irrational. The solution is to remove the blindfold and see clearly. Accept and relax instead of resisting.

KEYWORDS: Avoidance, resistance, opposition, deadlock, tension

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the tense state changes; she lowers the swords and removes the blindfold, indicating doubts resolved or finding a balanced solution. She can make decisions, breaking the deadlock and easing tension. However, with rocks and sea in the background, deceit may surface, and harmony and peace remain elusive. Returning to the upright Ace of Swords, she can use rationality to cut through hopes and fears surrounding each choice, making the best decision for good returns.

KEYWORDS: Abstention, relief, dilemma, confusion, conservatism


A heart pierced by three swords, against a stormy background. The red heart contrasts sharply with the gray clouds, depicting pain, loss, and sorrow. The image is filled with sadness, loss, and grief.

Upright Meaning

The Three of Swords signifies experiencing deep sorrow and loss. When this card appears, emotional confusion, grief, and heaviness are evident. It represents strong disappointment, loss, isolation, pain, separation, delay, and absence. The reasons for sorrow vary, from a lover's departure to a friend's betrayal. The lamb may be emotionally wounded, unable to let go, and immersed in self-pity, delaying healing. Despite the pain, recognizing and accepting it can lead to understanding.

KEYWORDS: Sorrow, loss, heartbreak, delay, separation

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it retains upright meanings but adds possibilities: first, the other party is heartbroken; second, it’s time to heal, but the lamb remains in sorrow, rejecting help and hindering recovery; third, the sadness is less intense. Reversed, it may indicate suppressed pain, leading to fear, depression, or anxiety. To regain vitality, the lamb must examine and release past pain. Avoiding long-term sorrow, the lamb should face and try to expel it. Returning to the upright Two of Swords can help choose the right path.

KEYWORDS: Heartbreak, hurt, betrayal, loneliness, absence


A lamb lies quietly, eyes closed, in a meditative posture. One sword lies horizontally within reach, while three are fixed on the wall. Though she appears lazy, her mind is active. She rests alone in a quiet room, indicating solitude for regaining strength and understanding.

Upright Meaning

This card represents reflecting on past actions and planning for the future. The lamb temporarily withdraws to think things through. The Four of Swords is less chaotic than other Swords cards, representing inaction but not complete idleness. The sword at hand suggests she is not entirely passive, storing energy and contemplating the next move. Once ready, she will rise to continue unfinished plans. The card embodies "resting to go farther," a core meaning. It can indicate temporary retirement from the battlefield. In health readings, it may suggest hospitalization.

KEYWORDS: Rest, passivity, contemplation, preparation, retreat

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it indicates a desire to act quickly without thorough consideration. While action might help escape past hurt, it could invite new pain. Sometimes, it simply suggests renewed energy after a reflective or ill period, eager to reengage with life. It symbolizes recovery, moving from rest to a new phase and direction. Maintaining caution and thoughtfulness ensures some success.

KEYWORDS: Preparation, contemplation, recovery, restoration, withdrawal


A lamb stands prominently, gripping three swords while two opponents turn away. This lamb seems victorious, but the outcome remains uncertain. The clouds reflect a mood of emotion, anger, and fear. The victorious lamb, seemingly triumphant, might lose more in reality, showcasing selfish ambition.

Upright Meaning

The Five of Swords represents conflict, tension, and strife, possibly internal or with others. If external, the conflict likely stems from the lamb's thoughts. This card symbolizes disputes where no one benefits, the victor feeling hollow, the loser shamed and sorrowful. The Swords' harm exceeds that of Wands, unknowingly hurting others. It represents hostility, unfair victory, and loss, indicating conflict and argument with little gain.

KEYWORDS: Hollow victory, selfishness, loss, dispute, humiliation

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, it depicts calm after chaos, where all parties, exhausted, seek peace and cease conflict. Similar to upright but with a higher chance of failure, the lamb may play the role of the defeated. Failure, humiliation, and victimhood are possible. It also suggests escaping selfishness, stopping pointless disputes, and avoiding rumors.

KEYWORDS: Selfishness, discord, tension, relief


A boat with six swords sails, carrying a lamb mother, a lamb child, and a boatman towards a distant shore. The turbulent water at this end contrasts with the calm water ahead. The heavy swords slow the boat, mirroring the healing process.

Upright Meaning

The Six of Swords carries a sense of melancholy, indicating things are neither terrible nor great. The lamb feels low and slightly depressed, healing from past wounds, gradually recovering. The calm water ahead suggests future peace. It also signifies travel, especially water-related, like beaches, rivers, boats, and cruises. This card indicates carrying problems from the past into the future. It leads the lamb towards future happiness and brightness.

KEYWORDS: Melancholy, healing, recovery, travel, restoration

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the boat capsizes, indicating troubled travel or accidents. Obstacles block progress, symbolizing communication issues. It might suggest breaking old patterns, causing disputes with oneself or others. Rough waters reflect environmental impacts. Difficulties hinder solutions and progress, struggling to escape the current situation. Water symbolizes emotions, and sinking signifies being overwhelmed by them. Balance between swords and water is lost, with reason overtaken by emotions. Capsizing forces a conclusion, seeking accelerated change.

KEYWORDS: Breaking old patterns, suppression, emotional decisions, forced change


At night, a lamb sneaks away with five swords, leaving two behind. This stealthy approach indicates not giving up against formidable enemies. His success seems likely but uncertain. The two swords warn of the risks, as leaving even one sword can cause harm.

Upright Meaning

The Seven of Swords represents doing something difficult, requiring great effort for success. Despite the challenges, hope remains. Similar to a lone ranger, he handles plans and actions alone, symbolizing isolation. It represents strategies, attempts, wishes, and hopes, also signifying disputes, potential failure, and bothersome matters. Despite negative aspects, positive meanings persist, indicating possible success with effort. It also frequently represents deceit, cunning, betrayal, or schemes.

KEYWORDS: Deceit, lies, isolation, attempts, confidence

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, attempts fail, caught in the act, or lies and schemes exposed. Unforeseen circumstances lead to failure, or private actions are obstructed. Harsh words or thoughts may deeply wound others, reflecting scattered thoughts and speech, misunderstandings, disputes, or secret defamation.

KEYWORDS: Defamation, exposure, deceit, slander, nonsense


A lamb stands blindfolded, bound, surrounded by downward-pointing swords. The muddy ground symbolizes shame, and the castle represents authority. The gray sky mirrors her inner world and limited awareness. Her bondage indicates imprisonment by others, losing power.

Upright Meaning

The Eight of Swords' power comes from listening to inner voices. Unable to see, she feels helpless, influenced by authority, believing she has no choice but to obey. She may feel oppressed by partners, family, community, government, beliefs, or religion. Often, self-imposed limits or fear of the unknown hinder progress. Exploring new paths and using inner strength and abilities can free her, reclaiming personal power. Her beliefs are her biggest constraint.

KEYWORDS: Control, self-limitation, bad news, oppression, confusion

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the swords fall, and she escapes the predicament, removing the blindfold to see clearly. This symbolizes liberation, spiritual freedom, and crisis resolution. Awareness marks the start of awakening, indicating improvement is near. Returning to the upright Seven of Swords, she can find a path to comfort and clarity.

KEYWORDS: Liberation, unbinding, awakening, rescue, new life


A lamb wakes in the night, anxious and sleepless. Nine swords hang on the wall, with one near her heart, linking thoughts and feelings, creating immense pressure.

Upright Meaning

The Nine of Swords expresses deep fear, worry, and concern for oneself or surroundings. It also signifies vivid dreams or nightmares, revealing subconscious issues surfacing in consciousness. This card suggests an inability to relax, extreme pain, and pressure, causing insomnia. Nicknamed the "Nightmare Card," it represents being trapped in fear, unable to see an escape, only enduring despair. True awareness reveals that opening one's eyes dispels fear.

KEYWORDS: Worry, nightmare, pain, insomnia, despair

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, hope becomes visible, or brightness approaches. It suggests leaving sadness behind, forgetting past misfortunes. Though fear and doubt remain, they are now justified and factual. It also signifies shyness and shame. The sword's shadow persists, indicating defamation, hidden traps, or interference. Returning to the upright Eight of Swords can help release worldly worries.

KEYWORDS: Fear, doubt, shyness, concerns, suspicion


A lamb lies pierced by ten swords, one even through her ear, in a shocking scene. The dark sky reflects her inner turmoil, and she is firmly pinned to the ground. Her beliefs have driven her to the edge, yet these beliefs remain hidden.

Upright Meaning

The Ten of Swords typically has highly negative meanings, including pain, sorrow, suffering, endings, failure, and other unpleasant terms. Pinned by ten swords, it suggests restrictions, lack of freedom, and no choice. This dark period indicates a turning point, where enduring leads to transformation, emerging stronger. The Ten of Swords offers a chance to discard unnecessary aspects, preparing for a better future. Despite the lowest point, faint light hints at new, better things to follow. Your thoughts or beliefs have led to this situation, guiding you to any place you think possible.

KEYWORDS: Pain, ending, sacrifice, lowest point, darkest before dawn

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the lamb struggles to rise from the swords, holding on despite the odds, seeking to achieve goals. Though pain persists, escape may bring temporary relief. This resilience signifies a slim hope of success. Learning from failure and growing from pain is the ultimate meaning of the swords.

KEYWORDS: Change, respite, short-term advantage, momentary luck, overcoming pain


The Page of Swords uses curiosity to pry into others' privacy, excelling as a journalist, spy, or paparazzi. He observes others with a detached attitude, spreading rumors. If he is your friend, his information might help reveal the truth. Though immature, be cautious as he may share your secrets.

Upright Meaning

Among the pages, he reacts quickest, speaks most fluently, loves talking, and is clever. His curiosity leads to thorough investigation, achieving success if focused on studies. The Page of Swords is an information manager and analyst. Representing a smart but cunning lamb, determined yet cold. This sharp-thinking youth enjoys talking, with many ideas and innovative concepts.

KEYWORDS: Alertness, spying, espionage, paparazzi, quick thinking

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, thoughts falter, facing unresolvable crises. Communication problems cause disputes and interruptions, leading to arguments and conflicts. Excessive suspicion turns everyone into enemies, causing gossip and delays. It symbolizes delayed messages, indicating unstable foundations. It also signifies revealing secrets, inconsistencies, and surface-level actions.

KEYWORDS: Leak, inconsistency, gossip, surface-level talk, inefficiency


The Knight of Swords charges on a white horse through a storm, sword raised high. His fierce expression and swift action embody the wind element. Courageous and competitive, his impulsive actions may become wild and unrestrained.

Upright Meaning

The Knight of Swords is passionate, quick-thinking, and energetic, full of youthful vigor, forging his path with bravery. His determined actions, though potentially destructive, show strong will and focused intent. Charging with his sword, he pursues goals fearlessly, advantageous for studies and exams. Despite his burst of energy, he lacks long-term planning and patience. Bold and outspoken, he often conflicts with others due to impulsive actions.

KEYWORDS: Warrior, impulsive, passionate, extremist, rebel

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, he misuses his thoughts, resulting in many deviations. His need to stand out leads to self-promotion and impulsive actions, causing chaos. Quick actions stem from insecurity, lacking true confidence. This card signifies struggles, unpreparedness, and potential danger. Harm from others or self-inflicted issues may arise from poor handling.

KEYWORDS: Recklessness, rashness, impatience, arrogance, hasty mistakes


The Queen of Swords wears a crown with butterfly patterns, symbolizing the soul and wind element. Her stern expression and raised sword symbolize clarity and truth, cutting through illusions.

Upright Meaning

The Queen of Swords embodies wisdom and sorrow. She holds the sword righteously, representing insight and wisdom, discerning hidden truths. Sharp-eyed and intelligent, she is the most rational and calm among the queens. Just and impartial, she is a warrior on the battlefield, unwavering in principle. Rarely showing emotions, she is firm and principled, combining emotions and intellect for understanding.

KEYWORDS: Cold, stern, iron lady, ice queen, strong woman

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, she may be pessimistic, perfectionist, and indifferent. Manipulating others, she creates conflicts, appearing aloof and closed-off. Controlling and difficult, she may be suspicious and cold, refusing intimacy. Overly defensive and critical, she may dwell on negative thoughts, showing obsessive tendencies.

KEYWORDS: Obsessive, harsh, isolated, venomous, vengeful


The King of Swords sits in a blue robe and cloak, holding a sword with its tip tilted right, towards action. Seated firmly, he represents logic and practicality, focusing on tangible matters, with little room for emotions and dreams.

Upright Meaning

The King of Swords represents a rational, decisive man with wisdom and knowledge. He is principled, clear-minded, and fair, with a dignified presence. Strict yet just, he pursues his duties with integrity, valuing logic and fairness, with firm beliefs and thoughts. This card may indicate a wise and strategic lamb or encountering a guiding figure.

KEYWORDS: Justice, knowledge, decisiveness, professional, lawyer

Reversed Meaning

Reversed, he overuses intellect, leading to wrong directions. Losing stability and principles, he becomes selfish, irrational, and harsh. Distrusting others, he becomes stubborn, erring due to excessive reasoning. His words become harsh, lacking factual basis, leading to criticism, coldness, and cruelty.

KEYWORDS: Cruelty, selfishness, coldness, illogical, stubbornness

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